Government of Yukon

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May 26, 2016

Minister of Education tables apprenticeship and tradespersons evaluation report

WHITEHORSE—Minister of Education Doug Graham tabled the Evaluation of the Yukon’s Apprenticeship and Tradespersons Qualification Program report yesterday in the Legislative Assembly.

“This review helps ensure the continuing success of the program, which has upheld a high standard of excellence for over 50 years,” Minister Graham said. “I would like to thank our partners, stakeholders and the public who have taken the time to share their perspectives about how the program has been serving them.”

To ensure the evaluation reflected a variety of perspectives, feedback was gathered from numerous sources. Six focus groups were held with a total of 73 people. In-depth interviews were conducted with representatives from the Yukon government, Yukon College and union associations. An online and telephone survey gathered feedback from 175 participants, including 80 apprentices, 46 journeypersons and 49 employers.

The evaluation also included a program review, to assess the effectiveness and efficiency of the entire program. Documents, administrative data and comparable programs across Canada were reviewed.

Over the coming months, Department of Education staff will review the findings and discuss them with partners and stakeholders to identify short-term, medium-term and long-term activities that can be taken to address recommendations.

“Our apprenticeship and trades qualification program is an important part of our government’s work to support vibrant communities now and in the future,” Graham added. “I commend all those who contributed to this project for their commitment to the program’s ongoing success.”

The Yukon government supports tradespeople and apprentices in many ways. From 2014 to 2015, 51 apprentices worked on eleven different government projects.

The report is available at



Dan Macdonald
Cabinet Communications

Michele Royle
Communications, Education

News release #16-209