Government of Yukon

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July 26, 2016

New regulations for Yukon’s Student Financial Assistance Act

WHITEHORSE—The Government of Yukon has approved new Student Financial Assistance Regulations under the Student Financial Assistance Act.

“These new regulations reflect the Government of Yukon’s commitment to making post-secondary studies more affordable for Yukon students,” Minister of Education Doug Graham said. “These changes make the Yukon Grant available to more students – including First Nations students and those who achieved high school equivalency in Yukon – and also provide $376,000 in new funding for Yukon post-secondary students.”

Students who are eligible for the Yukon Grant, and who are registered for two 17-week semesters in an academic year, will see the maximum yearly grant amount increase from $3,740 to $4,590. There is also an airfare amount of $1,500 available to students who are studying outside the territory. Students from Yukon communities outside Whitehorse are also eligible for an additional travel amount.

Students can receive a maximum lifetime amount of 170 weeks of combined student financial assistance from the Yukon Grant and Student Training Allowance. Those currently receiving student financial assistance who have not reached the five-year maximum will be assessed in order to determine how many of the 170 weeks remain available to them. Students who received Yukon Grant funding for the 2015/16 academic year who are not eligible under the new requirements may continue to receive funding for one additional academic year.

“We had extensive discussions with partners and stakeholders to determine how best to update our financial assistance programs,” Graham added. “The new Student Financial Assistance Regulations ensure that the changes to post-secondary funding that resulted from these discussions will be in place for the upcoming 2016/17 academic year.”

The Yukon Grant has supported Yukon students in accessing post-secondary education for more than 25 years. Last year more than $3.7 million in non-repayable grants were dispersed to more than 770 students through the program.

Learn more:
Student financial assistance



Michael Edwards
Cabinet Communications

Jason Mackey
Communications, Education

News release #16-274