Government of Yukon

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March 31, 2016

Yukon government to expand access to eServices

WHITEHORSE—The Government of Yukon will expand access to Department of Environment eServices in 2016/17.

“This government is committed to developing and improving online permitting and licencing options,” Minister of Environment Wade Istchenko said. “We recognize that many Yukoners prefer to obtain services online because it is fast and convenient. These new investments in eServices will help meet that need.”

As part of the Environment eServices 2016/17 investment, the Government of Yukon will:

  • launch a campaign encouraging Yukoners to purchase their angling licence and annual camping permit online;
  • enable external vendors, such as territorial agents and businesses, to begin selling electronic angling licences and resident annual campground permits instead of the current paper licences; and
  • initiate work to make electronic hunting licences and seals available online.

The funding for this initiative is subject to legislative approval.

Earlier this year, Yukon government cabinet ministers hosted meetings throughout the territory to gather input from First Nation and municipal governments, as well as the general public, on their priorities for the 2016/17 budget. Yukoners expressed support for expanded online services during the tour.

The online purchasing service for angling licences and campground permits was introduced in 2015. The Department of Environment estimates more than 17,000 Yukon angling licences and 2,000 camping permits will be sold in the year ahead.



Dan Macdonald
Cabinet Communications

Eric Clement
Communications, Environment


News release #16-098