Government of Yukon

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March 31, 2015

Yukon’s solid waste facility operators gather in Whitehorse

WHITEHORSE—Solid waste facility operators from Yukon communities gathered in Whitehorse for a two-day conference hosted by the Department of Community Services on March 30 and 31.

“Our facility operators are the frontline in establishing responsible solid waste management in Yukon,” Minister of Community Services Currie Dixon said. “We are happy to work with our municipal and community partners to provide a forum for attendants to share experiences, network and speak with other industry experts.”

About 20 operators from communities and municipalities across Yukon attended the conference, which included presentations on composting, hazardous waste and permit compliance as well as sessions on facility safety and future planning.

The idea for this gathering came from the Solid Waste Working Group, which is made up of representatives from Yukon municipalities and the departments of Community Services and Environment.

“We recognized a real need to bring all of these site attendants and facility operators together,” said Keir Gervais, CAO of Haines Junction and member of the Solid Waste Working Group. “These individuals are doing the same things, hundreds of kilometers apart from one another. The opportunity to make contacts, discuss issues and speak directly with industry experts can go a long way in helping them keep our facilities and environment safe.”

The Department of Community Services is responsible for 18 solid waste facilities in unincorporated Yukon, while eight municipalities manage operations at their respective facilities.



Elaine Schiman
Cabinet Communications

Roxanne Stasyszyn
Communications, Community Services

Keir Gervais
CAO, Haines Junction

News release #15-109