Government of Yukon

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April 5, 2016

Government of Yukon seeks input on tenancy of mobile home pads

WHITEHORSE—The Yukon government is considering changes to the Residential Landlord and Tenant Act relating to mobile home tenancies, and is seeking input from mobile home owners, tenants and park owners. Information will be gathered via a survey that can be submitted online, in person or by mail.

“We recognize that mobile-home pad rentals present unique challenges when compared to conventional types of residential tenancies,” Minister of Community Services Currie Dixon said. “We want to hear from mobile home owners, tenants and mobile-home park owners on how mobile-home tenancy works and whether the legislation can be improved.”

The Residential Landlord and Tenant Act currently governs the relationship between a mobile home owner and mobile-home park owner in a manner similar to other tenancies, with the exception of certain extended notice periods. Several other jurisdictions in Canada further distinguish between these types of tenancies, and in some cases have specific stand-alone legislation.

The consultation seeks input on two general issues: the ability of a park owner to evict mobile home owners without cause; and whether there should be controls on how the mobile-home park owner can raise pad rents.

The paper survey is available at the Residential Tenancies Office at 307 Black St. in Whitehorse. An online version of the survey will be available shortly. The survey will run from April 6 – June 6.



Dan Macdonald
Cabinet Communications

Bonnie Venton Ross
Communications, Community Services

News release #16-110