Government of Yukon

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February 7, 2013

Innovative affordable housing program continues for another five years

WHITEHORSE—The Government of Yukon has committed five years of funding for a program which has been successfully supporting families living at the Whitehorse Affordable Family Housing complex in Riverdale. The funding will continue the coordinator position at the complex, which delivers programs and services to resident families.

“The Yukon government is pleased to extend this important program, which has contributed to a safe and healthy environment for families while promoting independent living through a variety of programs,” Elaine Taylor, Minister responsible for the Women’s Directorate said.

The Whitehorse Affordable Family Housing Program coordinator functions as both an onsite program coordinator and a tenant relations officer. The coordinator will continue supporting and delivering workshops for tenants by providing drop-in activities at the on-site family resource centre and facilitating tenant meetings.

“We are pleased to continue this innovative program for our tenants who are single caregivers,” Scott Kent, Minister responsible for Yukon Housing Corporation said. “This program will continue to support successful tenancies and will foster a caring housing community.”

“The tenants I am working with are a very diverse group and each tenant has individual needs for support,” the new Whitehorse Affordable Family Housing Program coordinator Kristen Richmond said. “I look forward to using my background in social work to support tenants living in the complex and to create a positive and safe housing community that contributes to their children’s lives and the broader community.”

The new coordinator began work January 2. The Women’s Directorate and Yukon Housing Corporation will fund the position jointly and will work together toward the continued success of the position and program. In five years the programming and support offered through this position will be evaluated.

The 32-unit single-parent complex, located at 60 Selkirk in Riverdale, was completed in November 2010. Funding for the housing initiative was provided by the Government of Canada’s Economic Action Plan.



Matthew Grant
Cabinet Communications
Brenda Barnes
Communications, Women’s Directorate
Doug Caldwell
Communications, Yukon Housing Corporation

News release #13-024