Government of Yukon

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December 5, 2014

Annual call for submissions to Yukon Permanent Art Collection focuses in on fine craft

WHITEHORSE—The Department of Tourism and Culture, along with Friends of Yukon Permanent Art Collection, are issuing the annual call for submissions for the Yukon Permanent Art Collection. In honour of Craft Year 2015, this year’s call is focused on fine craft.

Craft Year is a national festival aimed at promoting craft as a key component of Canadian culture. Events such as craft exhibitions, fairs, book launches, open houses, and workshops will take place throughout the country next year.

Since its creation in 1981, the permanent art collection has grown to include 362 original works of art including a wide array of fine craft such as ceramics, carving, fibre art and traditional sewing.

“The Yukon Permanent Art Collection captures the territory’s rich culture through a number of diverse works that contribute to Yukon’s cultural legacy,” Minister of Tourism and Culture Mike Nixon said. “Craft Year provides an opportunity to enrich this important part of the collection.”

The permanent art collection is displayed in public buildings in over 25 locations around Whitehorse as well as in Haines Junction, Dawson City, Faro and Mayo. Artwork is rotated annually to enable Yukoners to see a variety of work from the collection. Artwork purchased through the call for submissions will be on display at the Yukon Arts Centre during the summer of 2015.

“We are very pleased to see ongoing support for the Yukon Permanent Art Collection,” Friends of Yukon Permanent Art Collection president Matthew Poushinsky said. “With our first focused call, we are looking forward to seeing this year’s submissions of fine craft.”

The Yukon government supports the continued acquisition of artwork for the Permanent Art Collection through an annual contribution of $25,000 to Friends of Yukon Permanent Art Collection. The deadline for submissions is February 13, 2015.

Learn more: Yukon Permanent Art Collection



Elaine Schiman
Cabinet Communications

Stefanie Richardson
Communications, Tourism and Culture

News release #14-282