EnviroWild Resources for Educators

EnviroWild Learning

If you're a Yukon teacher, Environment Yukon can help you cover your Prescribed Learning Outcomes, and not just in science! Other educators can benefit from our services as well.

Environment and Wildlife (EnviroWild) resources are available for language arts, math, physical education and more.

You can download a more detailed summary of what we have to offer:

Teacher's Guide to Environment Yukon

Guest speakers from Environment Yukon

A presentation from a guest speaker can be stimulating, inspiring and educational for your students. Please contact us with your topic request in the wildlife, conservation, water, or other environmental field and we'll see what we can do to round up an "expert" to come to your class.

One example of a prepared school program we offer is the Wildlife and You presentation given by Conservation Officers. Aimed to cover Grade 4 learning objectives, but adaptable to other grades, this program includes info and activities related to habitat, biodiversity, and the role of the Conservation Officer in our community. Contact us!


Contact EnviroWild Learning Team

Phone: 867-667-3675
Toll free (in Yukon): 1-800-661-0408 ext. 3675
Fax: 867-393-6206

Email: remy.rodden@gov.yk.ca


Environmental Education and Youth Programs

Environment Yukon

Government of Yukon

Box 2703 (V-18)
Whitehorse, Yukon
Canada Y1A 2C6