Government of Yukon

FOR RELEASE     #11-015
January 31, 2011

Yukon ushers in new era of forest management

WHITEHORSE – The Forest Resources Act and Forest Resources Regulation become effective today, bringing forth a new forest management model to guide the sustainable future of Yukon forests.

“The Forest Resources Act and accompanying regulation reflect the importance of forests to the Yukon way of life,” Energy, Mines and Resources Minister Patrick Rouble said. “This legislation enables modern forest management that supports viable and sustainable forest-based industries.”

The act is the first resource legislation developed since devolution and replaces the Territorial Lands (Yukon) Act - Timber Regulation inherited from the federal government in 2003. The legislation will steer future decision making, provide forest managers with the tools required to support long term forest health and facilitate opportunities for Yukoners to benefit from the resources present.

Included in the act and regulation are strong provisions for responsible forest stewardship through inclusive planning, compatibility with the Yukon Environmental and Socio-economic Assessment Act and a robust suite of compliance tools that forest managers and enforcement staff can utilize to ensure the continued vitality of Yukon’s forests.

The act and regulation also support forest-based industries by providing modern, secure tenure opportunities and a transparent and fair allocation process. Existing licences and permits issued under the Timber Regulation will remain in effect.

To learn more about forest management in Yukon, visit or call the Forest Management Branch at 867-456-3999, or toll free in Yukon at 1-800-661-0408 extension 3999.

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Emily Younker
Cabinet Communications
Chris Wearmouth
Communications, Energy, Mines & Resources
