Yukon Government

Climate Change Action Plan

The Yukon Government Climate Change Action Plan sets out how the Yukon government is responding to climate change. The plan, providing clear direction and action, advances the goals of:

The Yukon government released two progress reports, one in fall 2012 and the second in winter 2015. The reports not only show that the government is following through on its commitment to respond effectively to climate change, but may also encourage individuals and businesses to take action as well.

Work by the Yukon government and others in response to climate change will provide economic, social and other environmental benefits. It is essential that we all prepare for the impacts of a warming climate. Climate change is real, and it threatens our forests, our watersheds, and our way of life.

Report cover of the Climate Change Action Plan Progress Report 2015

Climate Change Action Plan Progress Report 2015

English pdf document icon1.5 MB / French pdf document icon1.6 MB

Report cover of the Climate Change Action Plan Progress Report 2012

Climate Change Action Plan Progress Report 2012

English pdf document icon1.4 MB / French pdf document icon1.4 MB

Cover of Climate Change Action Plan document

Climate Change Action Plan

English icon image - this is a pdf file2.2 MB / French icon image - this is a pdf file1.84 MB


Printed copies of all documents are available upon request or from most Environment Yukon offices.


Taking Action on Climate Change logo

Contact the Climate Change Secretariat

Phone: 867-456-5544
Toll-free (in Yukon, NWT & Nunavut):
1-800-661-0408 ext. 5544
Fax: 867-456-5543

Email: climatechange@gov.yk.ca
Address: Box 2703 (V-205) Whitehorse, Yukon Canada Y1A 2C6