Ni'iinlii Njik (Fishing Branch) Territorial Park and Habitat Protection Area

location map, Ni'iinlii Njik (Fishing Branch) Territorial Park, Yukon Grizzly Bear fishing in Ni'iinlii Njik (Fishing Branch) Territorial Park

map of Ni'iinlii Njik (Fishing Branch) Territorial Park, Yukon

  Ni'iinlii Njik "where fish spawn" - YG photo/Fritz Mueller

Together, Ni''iinlii Njik (Fishing Branch) Territorial Park and adjacent Habitat Protection Area (HPA) and Settlement Lands protect a distinct and fascinating ecosystem and an enduring Gwich'in connection to the land. Limestone caves, year-round open water and early-winter salmon runs support Grizzly Bear concentrations and large trees rarely seen this far north. The Porcupine Caribou herd also migrates through the area, home to many other species of wildlife, including Dall sheep and Moose.

The 6500 km2 wilderness area is a legacy of the Vuntut Gwitchin Land Claim Agreement and is jointly managed by Yukon Government and Vuntut Gwitchin Government.

Getting There

Protection of the bears and their habitat is the primary goal of the Ecological Reserve core of the park, so access to this isolated site is limited and tightly managed. Access to the Wilderness Preserve portion of the park and Habitat Protection Area is possible but demands experienced wilderness skills and self-sufficiency. Contact Vuntut Gwitchin Government regarding access to the Settlement Lands.

As the crow flies, the park and HPA are halfway between Dawson City and Old Crow and entirely within Vuntut Gwitchin Traditional Territory. Access by helicopter (2.5 hrs one way). Note that a Park Permit is required to land any aircraft in any Yukon park.


There are no staffed facilities in the park or HPA. The nearest community is Old Crow, which lies 100 km by air to the north. Yukon Parks maintains basic cabin accommodation in partnership with Vuntut Gwichin Government and Bear Cave Mountain Eco-Adventures. Use of the cabin is strictly managed for bear viewing opportunities.

Wildlife Viewing

Specific and strict rules apply to bear viewing in the Ecological Reserve and Settlement Lands. Visitation is allowed only with a permitted commercial guide and limited to one group of five visitors per day between September 1st to October 31st. Access from November to August is by permit only. Contact Yukon Parks for details. These measures are necessary to maintain the area's wilderness character and the safety of visitors and wildlife residents.

For information on camping, hiking, wildlife, culture and permitting, view the park brochure, management plans or contact Yukon Parks. For information regarding the HPA, contact Yukon Environment's Fish & Wildlife Branch.

Additional Resources


Contact Yukon Parks

North Region

Phone: 867-993-7714 (April - October only)

Park Officers: 867-993-7899

Fax: 867-993-6548

Address: Box 600, Dawson City, Yukon

Canada Y0B 1G0

Main Office - Whitehorse

Phone: 867-667-5648
Park Officers: 867-456-3974
Toll-free (in Yukon, NWT & Nunavut):
1-800-661-0408 ext. 5648
Fax: 867-393-6223
Email: yukon.parks@gov.yk.ca
Facebook: www.facebook.com/getoutyukon Address: Box 2703 (V-4) Whitehorse, Yukon, Canada Y1A 2C6