Tombstone Territorial Park

location map, Tombstone Territorial Park, Yukon tombstone mountains
map, Tombstone Territorial Park, Yukon

Ddhäl Ch'èl Cha Nän "ragged mountain land" - YG/Fritz Mueller Photo

Tombstone Territorial Park's 2,200 km2 protect a unique wilderness of rugged peaks, permafrost landforms and abundant wildlife, all reflected in a rich First Nations culture. The park is a legacy of the Tr'ondëk Hwëch'in land claim agreement and lies within their traditional territory.

The Dempster Highway bisects the park and provides an opportunity to view stunning arctic tundra landscapes and wildlife, and access to hiking areas. The concentration of wide ecological niches has resulted in a diverse collection of flora and fauna uncommon at this latitude.

Getting there

Start your visit at the Tombstone Interpretive Centre, km 71.5 Dempster Highway. Expect to drive 1.5 hours from Dawson City, Yukon, seven hours from Whitehorse and 12 hours from Inuvik, NWT.

There is no cell service in the park. The nearest gas, food and lodging are in Dawson City and Eagle Plains, 369 km further north. Make sure you have plenty of gas and a couple of spare tires. Pick up a Dempster Travelogue at any Visitor Information Centre.

Facilities and Programs

There are plenty of things to do and see for all ages, abilities and interests in Tombstone. Find out why the park is a popular destination for hiking, sightseeing, car camping, backcountry camping, and winter recreation. Plan ahead to get the most out of your stay.

Stay safe - Enjoy your stay

Tombstone Territorial Park is a remote area with few established trails. Even for day hikes, prepare for rough terrain and drastic weather changes. Download Planning a Trip to Tombstone Territorial Park for camping, hiking, permitting, bear safety and other information.

We strongly advise you to leave a trip plan with a reliable friend before traveling into the Tombstone Park area. Include your planned routes, expected date of return, and when the authorities should be notified if you don't arrive home.

You are responsible for your own safety. Yukon Parks staff do not have the capacity or responsibility to initiate search and rescue.

Park permits

If you are a commercial group, a commercial film maker or photographer, researcher, educational group, hosting a special event or will be accessing the park by air, you need a park permit. View the links below for information on all types of permits.

Check the weather

Yukon Parks maintains two weather stations in the park. View the current and previous week of weather here:

See also the weather forecast for Mount Frank Rae, elevation 1500 metres, and Environment Canada's current weather, warnings and forecast for the Dempster Highway.


Additional Resources


Contact Yukon Parks

North Region

Phone: 867-993-7714 (April - October only)

Park Officers: 867-993-7899

Fax: 867-993-6548

Address: Box 600, Dawson City, Yukon

Canada Y0B 1G0

Tombstone Interpretive Centre

Email: tombstonecentre@gmail.com

Main Office - Whitehorse

Phone: 867-667-5648
Park Officers: 867-456-3974
Toll-free (in Yukon, NWT & Nunavut):
1-800-661-0408 ext. 5648
Fax: 867-393-6223
Email: yukon.parks@gov.yk.ca
Facebook: www.facebook.com/getoutyukon


Address: Box 2703 (V-4) Whitehorse, Yukon, Canada Y1A 2C6