Government of Yukon

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March 31, 2016

Yukon government supports Parhelion Medical Clinic’s move into Watson Lake Hospital

WHITEHORSE—The Government of Yukon is pleased to announce that the Parhelion Medical Clinic and medication dispensary will relocate into the Watson Lake Hospital.

“We are happy to have reached an agreement with the owners of the Parhelion Medical Clinic that will provide stable medical care and medication dispensary services for Watson Lake residents,” Minister of Health and Social Services Mike Nixon said.

The Yukon government will assist Parhelion Medical Clinic in its efforts to recruit permanent physicians to the community. The physicians who are currently serving the medical needs of the community and surrounding area are temporary locums and will continue serving until end of this year. Dr. Tanis Secerbegovic and Dr. Said Secerbegovic will continue to be part of health care delivery at the clinic community, with Dr. Tanis Secerbegovic taking on a leadership role.

“The people of Watson Lake have been well served by the Parhelion Clinic and this move will provide additional assurance of continued medical service by the clinic in bright new surroundings,” Watson Lake MLA Patti McLeod said.



Dan Macdonald
Cabinet Communications

Patricia Living
Communications, Health and Social Services


News release #16-101