Government of Yukon

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July 26, 2016

Yukon government ensures single seniors not impacted by changes to GIS

WHITEHORSE—The Government of Yukon is ensuring that unmarried seniors in Yukon are not negatively impacted by changes to the federal Guaranteed Income Supplement.

“The federal government recently announced changes to the Guaranteed Income Supplement with the intention of helping lift single seniors out of poverty,” Minister of Health and Social Services Mike Nixon said. “When we realized that some of those changes would have a negative impact on single Yukoners who receive the Yukon Seniors Income Supplement, we took steps to make sure they continue to receive the benefit amounts to which they are entitled, based upon their income.”

The Yukon government’s Seniors Benefit Regulation determines the amount of Yukon Seniors Income Supplement that a senior receives, based on their Guaranteed Income Supplement amount. Due to incompatible regulations, the federal changes would result in an unintended decrease in the amount provided to single Yukon seniors. In response, the Yukon government amended the Seniors Benefit Regulation to address the issue.

As part of its continuing efforts to support seniors, the Government of Yukon updated the Yukon Pioneer Utility Grant in 2015. The rural base grant was increased and an income test is now being applied to ensure that seniors with the lowest income receive the highest grant.



Michael Edwards
Cabinet Communications

News release #16-273