Government of Yukon

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August 11, 2016

Community Development Fund continues to make communities better

WHITEHORSE—The Government of Yukon awarded more than $156,000 towards community-based projects through the Community Development Fund. These Tier 1 projects will provide more than 2,400 hours of employment for approximately 30 people, continuing the fund’s legacy of promoting social, cultural and economic benefits to Yukoners.

“The variety of projects dedicated to enhancing our community knowledge and well-being through the Community Development Fund in this intake are a demonstration of Yukoners’ commitment to making Yukon an even better place than ever,” Minister of Economic Development Stacey Hassard said. “From historical research to trail restoration, our communities are benefitting from easy access to our Community Development Fund to complete these great projects.”

Projects include the purchase of a big top tent for the Town of Faro, with the Community Development Fund providing $20,000, creating eight hours of employment for four people. The tent will be used for community events and activities during the summer months, with the goals of unifying the community and encouraging community participation and spirit.

“The Town of Faro is excited to continue implementing our community unification project with the purchase of our big top tent, which was made possible through funding provided by the Community Development Fund,” manager of operations Trevor Piercey said. “This will allow us to provide a protected common area to host community events and bring residents and visitors of Faro closer together in the interest of growing our community spirit.”

The Yukon Arts Centre Corporation will receive $18,000 to hire an events coordinator to oversee the Aboriginal Curatorial/Collectif des commissaires autochtones (ACC/CCA) Kwä̀n Mày Dáyè Dàátthʼi (Sit by the Fire With Us) Gathering in Whitehorse this fall. The project will create 500 hours of employment.

“We cannot wait to welcome the Aboriginal Curatorial Collective Kwä̀n Mày Dáyè Dàátthʼi (Sit by the Fire With Us) Gathering to Whitehorse this September,” Yukon Arts Centre Gallery director/curator Mary Bradshaw said, “The gathering, which includes an honouring feast, workshops and traditional talking circles, will bring together Indigenous heritage and cultural workers from across the territory and the country. The CDF funding allows us to hire a local Event Coordinator to ensure the three day event runs smoothly.”

Learn more: 
Community Development Fund

You may also call 667-8125, or 1-800-661-0408 Ext. 8125 in the communities.


See backgrounder below.

Michael Edwards
Cabinet Communications

Juanita Power
Economic Development, Communications

Background for Press Release of CDF Tier I May 15, 2016 Intake Approved Projects

The Parish of St. Mary with St. Mark – $13,200 – To update the 2007 preliminary structural assessment of the historic church of St. Mary with St. Mark in Mayo to define how to proceed with fully restoring the church building. The entire project will create 68 hours of employment for one person. Contact: Dr. Charles Maier at (867) 996-2037.

Yukon College, Alice Frost Campus – $6,104 – To research the history of Alice Frost and her relationship with the Old Crow Yukon College campus and create a dedication to Alice Frost. The entire project will create 120 hours of employment for one person. Contact: Bree Blottner at (867) 966-8800.

Town of Faro – $20,000 – To purchase a 60’ x 40’ big top tent for the Town of Faro. The project will create eight hours of employment for four people. Contact: Trevor Piercey at (867) 994-2758.

Hospice Yukon Society – $ 4,508 – To complete the "Peaceful Place on Jarvis" with wheelchair-accessible features. The project will create 240 hours of employment for one person. Contact: Deb Higgins at (867) 667-7429.

Yukon Association for Community Living – $10,205 – To conduct a feasibility study for a niche diversity stock photo service focusing on individuals with disabilities/challenges. The project will create 80 hours of employment for one person. Contact: Colette Acheson at (867) 667-4606.

First Nation of Nacho Nyak Dun – $15,038 – To complete a structural assessment and architectural design of the Legion Hall as essential steps to proceed with the restoration of this historic building. The project will create 115 hours of employment for two people. Contact: Joella Hogan at (867) 996-2265.

Yukon Arts Centre Corporation – $18,000 – To secure the services of an Event Coordinator to oversee logistical details in delivering the Aboriginal Curatorial Collective/Collectif des commissaires autochtones (ACC/CCA) Kwä̀n Mày Dáyè Dàátthʼi (Sit by the Fire With Us) Gathering to be held in Whitehorse, September 28 to 30. The project will create 500 hours of employment for one person. Contact: Mary Bradshaw at (867) 667-8485.

Marsh Lake Community Society – $11,342 – To upgrade the remaining two walking trails as identified in Phase I, to enable public year-round access to walking trails on the penninsula near Army Beach.

Carcross Aerodrome Society – $4,403 – To host the Carcross portion of the eighth annual Century Flight Club Fly-In to the Yukon. Contact: Brent McHale at (867) 335-2950.

City of Whitehorse – $10,076 – To engage the services of a consultant to develop recommendations for restoring access trails in Crestview. The project will create 96 hours of employment for four people. Contact: Doug Hnatiuk at (867) 668-8662.

Climb Yukon Association – $4,853 – Climb Yukon is evaluating the need and feasibility of a climbing facility in Whitehorse. The project will create 165 hours of employment for one person. Contact: Brett Pagacz at (867) 336-1676.

Vuntut Gwitch’in First Nation – $7,360 – To assess the feasibility and develop a plan to enhance and maintain a multi-use trail system around Old Crow, with a specific focus on adding mountain biking to the recreational opportunities around the community. The project will create 88 hours of employment for two people. Contact: Lindsay Johnston at (867) 966-3261.

Yukon College - Pelly Crossing Campus – $14,369 - Under the supervision of a Master Gardener, a community garden will be created, including the building of 16 individual raised beds and three days per week instruction to participants. The project will create 510 hours of employment for five people. Contact: Charles Laanstra at (867) 537-8800.

Youth of Today Society – $9,920 – To provide job skill development in digital technology to equip ten youth with employable skills in design and programming. The project will create 80 hours of employment for one person. Contact: Vicki Durrant at (867) 633-9687.

First Nation of Nacho Nyak Dun – $7,260 – To coordinate and deliver a 15-day camp for six young First Nation of Nacho Nyak Dun citizens who will travel by horseback and airplane to Nash Creek Hot Springs in the Peel River Watershed region. The project will create approximately 350 hours of employment for three people and an outfitter for ten days. Contact: Ray Sabo at (867) 996-2265.

News release #16-286