Government of Yukon

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October 3, 2016

Projects to prevent and address violence against Indigenous women awarded funding

WHITEHORSE—More than $300,000 in funding has been awarded to eight projects that help prevent violence against Indigenous women and girls. The funding comes from the Prevention of Violence Against Aboriginal Women Fund and the Aboriginal Women’s Initiative Fund.

“Addressing violence against women requires the collective efforts of governments, organizations and individuals,” Minister responsible for the Women’s Directorate Elaine Taylor said. “The recipients of this funding play a crucial role in creating safety and wellness in our communities through the development of positive social responses.”

The Yukon Aboriginal Women’s Council, Whitehorse Aboriginal Women’s Circle and the Liard Aboriginal Women’s Society are receiving $50,000 each for projects including the Gathering of Family Members of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls, the Sharing our Stories project, and the Community Violence Prevention project.

“Whitehorse Aboriginal Women's Circle truly appreciates the funding support from the Prevention of Violence Against Aboriginal Women program and the Aboriginal Women’s Initiatives program,” Whitehorse Aboriginal Women's Circle director Adeline Webber said. “These programs have helped us to achieve our goals and priorities.”

The Aboriginal Women’s Initiative Fund provided $150,000 to three Aboriginal women’s organizations to develop projects that respond to recommendations made at the Yukon Regional Roundtable and the second Yukon Aboriginal Women’s Summit.

“Our projects have been highly successful and the work could not have been done without the support of these programs. In particular, Leading the Way Mentorship and Suicide Prevention under the Aboriginal Women’s Initiative program and two recent Prevention of Violence Against Aboriginal Women projects address residential school issues,” Whitehorse Aboriginal Women's Circle director Krista Reid added. “We produced a book with photographs and stories, and planned a reunion for former students, their families, the church, and friends, which took place August 5 to 7 at Helen’s Fish Camp.”

The Prevention of Violence Against Aboriginal Women Fund provides assistance for violence prevention projects developed by and for Aboriginal women. This funding cycle includes five recipients:

  • Champagne and Aishihik First Nations for a women’s land-based, traditional and community healing camp to end violence;
  • Food Bank Society of Yukon for the Sally and Sisters project;
  • Whitehorse Aboriginal Women’s Circle for the Reunion to Revitalize our Resilient Spirits;
  • Skookum Jim Friendship Centre for the Youth Connections program; and
  • First Nation of Na-cho Nyäk Dun for the Mayo women’s support group.

“The healing camp and similar projects are an important part of healing and empowering our women, and in turn their families,” Champagne and Aishihik First Nations Chief Steve Smith said. “The time spent on the land practicing dän k’e (our ways) is a source of strength for our people and is critical to the wellness of our community as a whole.”

Funding for these projects is administered through the Women’s Directorate, which provides multiple sources of funding to women’s and equality-seeking organizations. Funding deadlines vary throughout the year.

Learn more:

Women’s Directorate



Michael Edwards
Cabinet Communications

Alex Hill
Communications, Women’s Directorate

News release #16-341