Government of Yukon

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April 8, 2016

Government of Yukon announces funding support for Crime Stoppers program

WHITEHORSE—The Government of Yukon is providing $21,000 in start-up funding for a new Crime Stoppers program.

"The Yukon Community Crime Stoppers Association is a citizen-led program with a goal to reduce crime through an anonymous tip and reward program," Minister of Justice Brad Cathers said. "We are thankful for the interest and passion of the volunteers who stepped forward to form the new association, and are happy to support them. Crime Stoppers programs have been successful across the country in helping to increase the reporting of crime."

The Yukon Community Crime Stoppers Association will work over the next three to six months to set-up the association’s Tip Line and website. Across Canada and internationally, crime stoppers programs help to keep communities safe by encouraging tips to police in a safe, anonymous fashion.

In response to the announcement, Yukon RCMP commanding officer Chief Superintendent Peter Clark said: "The RCMP is pleased to see the return of Crime Stoppers to Yukon. Crime Stoppers is a valuable tool to help promote community engagement in responding to criminal activity."

The Yukon government is working closely with the Whitehorse Chamber of Commerce, the City of Whitehorse, the Association of Yukon Communities, the RCMP Veteran's Association and community members to build a viable and sustainable program.

“The partner agencies that have come together to form this new Crime Stoppers program give us a strong volunteer base from which to draw and will ensure the growth of the association’s membership and capacity,” Crime Stoppers board member and Porter Creek Community Association president Jeff Marynowski said . “The information and support we have received from the Canadian Crime Stoppers Association has also been essential to moving this program forward.”

Learn more

Crime Stoppers 



Dan Macdonald
Cabinet Communications

Tyler Plaunt
Communications, Justice

News release #16-119