Government of Yukon



Government strengthens laws to protect the rights of transgender Yukoners
April 25, 2017 – Changes to the Vital Statistics and Human Rights acts will prohibit discrimination on the grounds of gender identity and gender expression.

Government of Yukon supports proposed federal cannabis legalization and regulation
April 13, 2017 – Government of Yukon is getting ready for the legalization of cannabis.

New Yukon Supreme Court justice to be added
March 30, 2017 – Federal government allows for Yukon Supreme Court justice appointment in 2017–18 budget.

Legislative amendments will protect the rights of transgender Yukoners
March 13, 2017 – Amendments to the Vital Statistics Act will remove the requirement for sex reassignment surgery before a person can change the gender on their birth registration.

Government of Yukon and Kwanlin Dün First Nation advance land titles registration
February 8, 2017 – An amendment to Kwanlin Dün First Nation's Self-Government Agreement has been approved allowing select land title registration.

Nominations sought for 2017 Community Safety Awards
February 1, 2017 – The nomination period for the 2017 community safety awards is now open.

Five community projects to receive crime prevention, victim services funding
January 26, 2017 – The Crime Prevention and Victim Services Trust is providing funding totaling $87,957 to five community-led projects that focus on crime prevention or services for victims.

Yukon Police Council seeks public input on policing priorities
January 24, 2017 – The Yukon Police Council is seeking input from Yukon citizens and stakeholders.

A statement from the Government of Yukon regarding the Peel regional land use planning case
January 19, 2017 – A statement from Minister of Justice Tracy-Anne McPhee.


Yukon welcomes new RCMP commanding officer
December 6, 2016 – Chief Superintendent Scott Sheppard has been named commanding officer of Yukon's RCMP ("M" Division) and has assumed the leadership of Yukon's police force.

Government of Yukon opens new service centre dedicated to youth
August 16, 2016 – New initiative to help youth navigate Yukon government services.

Yukon dedicated to full participation in National Inquiry
August 3, 2016 – Yukon’s advisory committee remains committed to working across Canada to ensure inquiry is truly national and reflects Yukon realities.

Yukon Employees’ Union and Yukon government ratify new collective agreement
July 15, 2016 – New agreement covers almost three quarters of government employees.

New Land Titles Act regulations are first of their kind in Canada
July 5, 2016 – The Government of Yukon has proclaimed the Land Titles Act, 2015 and enacted its accompanying regulations.

Eight crime prevention, victim services initiatives awarded funding
June 6, 2016 – The Crime Prevention and Victim Services Trust is providing funding totaling $140,737 to eight community-led projects.

Kwanlin Dün First Nation to receive funding for community safety program
May 27, 2016 – The Government of Yukon is providing over $1.4 million in funding over three years for a Kwanlin Dün First Nation community safety project.

Minister of Justice sets Yukon policing priorities for 2016/17
May 19, 2016 – Policing priorities for this year focus on enhancing community safety.

Government of Yukon shares preliminary FASD Prevalence Study results at national conference
April 21, 2016 – Study looked at the prevalence of FASD in Yukon's corrections system.

Government of Yukon to fund five additional RCMP positions
April 8, 2016 – The Government of Yukon is providing $385,000 in funding for new RCMP resources.

Government of Yukon announces funding support for Crime Stoppers program
April 8, 2016 – Crime Stoppers is an important bridge between communities and the Yukon RCMP.

Yukon government continues to invest in the Land Titles Modernization Project
April 6, 2016 – A $1.1 million investment in the Land Titles Modernization Project will improve services available to Yukoners.

Corrections engages with Yukon First Nations on culturally relevant programming
March 17, 2016 – Government seeks First Nations input on improving programming at Whitehorse Correctional Centre.

Government of Yukon continues its support of A Safe Place drop-in program
March 10, 2016 – Whitehorse drop-in centre for women and children gets extra funding.

Government of Yukon awards funding to 15 groups for projects to support Yukon youth
February 19, 2016 – Young rock climbers, skiers and artists to benefit from funding awarded through the Youth Investment Fund.

Government of Yukon unveils new 911 call centre
February 16, 2016 – New 911 call centre opens in preparation for Yukon-wide service.

Communiqué–Yukon leaders commit to continued collaboration to address high rates of violence against Indigenous women and girls
February 12, 2016 – Released in partnership with Kwanlin Dün First Nation and the Yukon Aboriginal Women’s Council

RCMP and SCAN unit take action against drug trafficking in Whitehorse
January 5, 2016 – The RCMP and Safer Communities and Neighbourhoods (SCAN) unit carried out coordinated actions on New Year’s Eve.


Department of Justice recognizes employees with Awards of Excellence
December 18, 2015 – The efforts of two staff members and one project team have been recognized at the annual awards event.

Campaign to end violence against women receives crime prevention funding
November 25, 2015 – Les EssentiElles receives support from the Crime Prevention Victim Services Trust Fund.

Yukon Police Council seeks feedback on community safety issues
November 24, 2015 – Input will inform the territory's policing priorities.

Bill to modernize the Land Titles Act passed
November 19, 2015 – Amendments to modernize the territory’s land titles legislation passed.

Courtworkers to receive training in circle sentencing and dispute resolution
November 19, 2015 – Community Justice workers and Aboriginal courtworkers will be in Whitehorse for four days of restorative justice training.

Minister of Justice honours 14 Yukoners at Community Safety Awards
November 6, 2015 – Fourteen Yukoners were recognized for making their communities a safer place to live.

New campaign encourages Yukoners to make a will
November 4, 2015 – Make a Will Month encourages awareness of the importance of making a legally-valid will.

Bill to modernize the Land Titles Act tabled today
October 28, 2015 – This bill strengthens Yukon’s land titles system and improves Yukoners’ access to land titles information and services.

Yukon RCMP commanding officer awarded Order of Merit of the Police Forces
September 23, 2015 – Chief Superintendent Peter Clark awarded prestigious distinction.

Seven summer camp initiatives awarded crime prevention funding
August 24, 2015 – Seven First Nation governments, municipalities, and Yukon community organizations are receiving funding from the Crime Prevention Victim Services Trust Fund.

Car seat safety promoted at Back to School Safety Fair
August 19, 2015 – Yukon families are invited to a safety fair that promotes car seat and transportation safety.

Crime prevention funding awarded to six Yukon community projects
August 6, 2015 – The Government of Yukon has provided Crime Prevention and Victim Services Trust funds to Yukon First Nations and local organizations.

Skookum Jim Friendship Centre to host new legal advocate for women
July 21, 2015 – Legal advocate to be recruited to help women navigate the criminal justice system.

New Community Safety Committee continues Sharing Common Ground partnerships
July 10, 2015 – The committee will work together to address complex issues that require broad, community-driven responses.

Government support enables A Safe Place to continue operations
July 2, 2015 – Additional funding to Victoria Faulkner Women's Centre ensures operation until March, 2016.

Yukon College and Whitehorse Correctional Centre renew education agreement
June 3, 2015 – Yukon College and Yukon’s Corrections Branch have signed a five year Memorandum of Understanding.

Yukon’s policing priorities set for 2015/16
April 30, 2015 – Minister of Justice Brad Cathers has communicated Yukon’s policing priorities for 2015/16 in a letter to the RCMP.

Plans for new Faro RCMP building move forward
April 20, 2015 – Plans to move ahead with the construction of a new RCMP detachment in Faro are on track. $3,576,000 has been alloted to the project.

Yukon’s Emergency Response Centre to host new 9-1-1 call centre
March 27, 2015 – The Government of Yukon has allocated over $1 million in 2015/16, pending legislative approval, to lay the groundwork for expanding emergency 9-1-1 service to all Yukon communities.

New advocate will support Yukon women navigating legal system
March 26, 2015 – $281,000 in funding announced for provision of women’s legal advocate position and legal advocacy program enhancement.

Audit of Yukon Corrections addresses successes, opportunities for improvement
March 5, 2015 – Department of Justice and the Corrections branch appreciate receipt of Auditor General’s report.

Parents invited to information session to help keep children safe online
February 10, 2015 – Event for parents will provide the latest information and resources on how to keep children safe online.

Justice Wellness Centre helps Community Wellness Court earn favourable evaluation
February 9, 2015 – A recent evaluation of Yukon’s Community Wellness Court states that the therapeutic court is meeting its objectives.

SCAN unit continues to support community safety
January 28, 2015 – The Safer Communities and Neighbourhoods (SCAN) unit is continuing to investigate community complaints and concerns.

Youth Investment Fund supports culture, community and education initiatives
January 27, 2015 – The Youth Investment Fund is providing $36,000 to communities for culture, community and education initiatives.

First Nations receive funds from Crime Prevention and Victim Services Trust
January 15, 2015 – The Government of Yukon has provided Crime Prevention and Victim Services Trust funds to two Yukon First Nations.

Youth Investment Fund supports winter sport and recreation projects
January 15, 2015 – The Youth Investment Fund is providing almost $22,000 to communities for winter sport and recreation projects.

Three community groups receive Crime Prevention & Victim Services funding
January 14, 2015 – The Crime Prevention and Victim Services Trust Fund has awarded $30,684 in funding to support community projects

Five youth programs receive Crime Prevention and Victim Services funding
January 14, 2015 – Five Whitehorse youth agencies awarded funds for crime prevention and victim support programs.

Four Yukon organizations receive funding for projects that support victims of crime
January 13, 2015 – The Crime Prevention and Victim Services Trust Fund awarded $55,860 to support four community organizations.


Three honoured with awards of excellence from the Department of Justice
December 19, 2014 – The Department of Justice held its annual awards of excellence ceremony on December 18, 2014

Contents of new Land Titles Act and Condominium Act now available
December 16, 2014 – Details of the new Land Titles Act and Condominium Act are now available.

Child Support Administrative Recalculation Service is now available
November 26, 2014 – The Government of Yukon has launched the new Child Support Administrative Recalculation Service.

Coroners will receive a pay increase for services
November 20, 2014 – The Government of Yukon has approved pay increases for coroners, bringing compensation provisions in line with other Canadian jurisdictions

Yukon Police Council invites input for 2015-16 policing priorities
November 13, 2014 – Yukon Police Council wants to hear input from Yukoners on policing priorities.

Yukoners recognized for their contributions to community safety
October 29, 2014 – Minister of Justice presents eight Yukoners with Community Safety Awards.

Justice minister represents Yukon in national meetings on justice and public safety
October 23, 2014 – Justice minister returns from productive meeting on justice and public safety issues.

Justice minister receives MADD Canada Citizen of Distinction Award
September 29, 2014 – Minister of Justice Mike Nixon receives the MADD Canada's Citizen of Distinction Award.

Yukoners asked to consider others on International FASD Awareness Day
September 8, 2014 – Departments of Health and Social Services and Justice urge Yukoners to think about how they can support women who are pregnant to have healthy babies.

Legal aid operating costs fully funded with new agreement
August 4, 2014 – New agreement with Yukon Legal Services Society will ensure the operating costs of legal aid are fully funded.

Department holds week-long Project Lynx training for service providers
June 5, 2014 – Victim Services Branch providing Project Lynx orientation and training to youth and child service providers.

Yukon RCMP receive training in Yukon First Nations history and culture
May 15, 2014 – Since Oct 2012, 49 RCMP members have taken FN history & culture course to fulfill Yukon policing priorities.

Yukon leads the country with the start of FASD prevalence study
May 14, 2014 – The University of British Columbia and the Department of Justice have begun an FASD prevalance study of individuals who are incarcerated or on probation in Yukon.

Forum brings groups together to discuss RCMP training and development
May 13, 2014 – NISJ will host the Yukon RCMP Draft Training and Development Framework Forum on May 14 during National Police Week

Yukon Police Council and communities establish policing priorities
May 12, 2014 – During National Police Week, the minister of Justice highlights the roles of communities and the Yukon Police Council in establishing police priorities.

Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in signs protocol with Safer Communities and Neighbourhoods unit
May 9, 2014 – Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in and SCAN sign protocol to have SCAN respond and investigate complaints of illegal activity on TH land.

Campaign provides Internet safety information to youth
April 23, 2014 – New campaign promotes safe and responsible use of online technology and smartphones among youth.

Six Yukon organizations receive funding from Crime Prevention Victims Trust Fund
April 11, 2014 – Six community projects that help reduce crime & help victims will share $105,250 in funding from CPVTF.

Minister of Justice tables Fatal Accidents Act
April 3, 2014 – Amendments to the Fatal Accidents Act will allow Yukoners the right to sue for bereavement damages.

Victim Services funds two crisis line research projects
April 3, 2014 – Victim Services providing funding to collect usage data from two crisis phone-lines in Yukon.

Legal aid receives an additional $235,000 in 2013/14 funding
March 28, 2014 – Government of Yukon funding helps Yukon Legal Services Society meet 2013/2014 legal aid funding requirements.

Whitehorse Correctional Centre hosting a spring information session
March 27, 2014 – WCC staff is hosting a meet & greet for public to learn about inmate programs & meet staff on March 28.

Yukoners complete innovative facilitator training
March 26, 2014 – Victim Services & Alcohol and Drug Services partnered to provide Making Connections support-group facilitator training at no cost to 32 participants.

RCMP detachment in Faro to be replaced
March 26, 2014 – After evaluation of detachments in Yukon, it has been decided a new RCMP detachment will be built in Faro.

Funding for Victim Services extended
March 21, 2014 – Victim Services Branch is receiving $500,000 in continued funding from the Victim Services Fund administered by Justice Canada.

Government of Yukon files Statement of Defence for the Peel Watershed Land Use Plan
February 18, 2014 – The Government of Yukon has filed its Statement of Defence.

Proposed amendments to the Fatal Accidents Act open for comment
February 6, 2014 – Public invited to provide input about the proposed amendments before March 1.

Consolidated versions of Yukon laws now available online
January 23, 2014 – Yukoners can quickly access and view laws in up-to-date form.

Seven projects will foster safe and compassionate communities
January 2, 2014 – Four communities benefit through funding from the Crime Prevention and Victim Services Trust Fund.


Yukon Police Council releases first annual report
December 20, 2013 – Council has been listening to what Yukoners are saying about policing issues and priorities.

New legislation passed to improve child support payment process
December 13, 2013 – New recalculation service will benefit single parents and help ensure children receive appropriate support.

Volunteers recognized at 50th anniversary of RCMP Auxiliary Constable Program banquet
December 6, 2013 – Specially trained volunteers assist and support the RCMP in Yukon communities.

SCAN unit takes action against illegal activities in Whitehorse
December 6, 2013 – Tenants of downtown property evicted under the Safer Communities and Neighbourhoods Act.

Yukoners recognized for working to keep communities safe
November 28, 2013 – Neighbours and colleagues nominated those who made an exemplary contribution to community safety.

Groups receive funding to help Yukon youth
November 19, 2013 – More than $60,000 going to 17 groups to provide a variety of activities and training for youth.

Access to justice for individuals with FASD a top priority at ministers’ meeting
November 18, 2013 – Federal, provincial and territorial ministers responsible for justice and public safety discussed unique issues facing the North.

Corrections Act amendments will improve transparency
November 7, 2013 – Victims of Crime Emergency Fund will benefit from amendments to the Corrections Act.

Government legislation to improve child support payments process
November 5, 2013 – Recalculation service will save parents the time and cost of a court process.

Whitehorse Correctional Centre expands its First Nation programming
November 5, 2013 – More culturally-relevant programming at the correctional centre will help inmates rehabilitate.

Minister of Justice tables Court and Regulatory Statutes Amendment Act
November 5, 2013 – Numerous acts are being improved and updated to ensure legislation operates efficiently for Yukoners.

Government of Yukon prepares new Condominium Act
October 16, 2013 – New act will clarify the roles of developers, condominium corporations and unit owners and help ensure condominiums are suitably financed and operated.

Legal Aid funds increased by $200,000 this year to cover increased costs
October 8, 2013 – Eligible Yukoners benefit with more funds for legal proceedings.

SCAN takes action against illegal activity in downtown Whitehorse
August 29, 2013 – SCAN action makes downtown neighbours feel safe.

Amendments to the Corrections Act open for public comment
August 20, 2013 – The public is asked to provide comments on minor changes to the Corrections Act.

Government of Yukon appoints Territorial Court judge
August 7, 2013 – The Yukon government has named a new Territorial Court judge.

Yukon government implements study to determine the prevalence of FASD in corrections population
August 2, 2013 – The Yukon government is committing $643,000 towards a new study to determine the prevalence of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) and other cognitive impairments among Yukon’s adult corrections population.

Crime prevention and victim services projects receive funding to create safe, compassionate communities
July 23, 2013 – The Crime Prevention and Victim Services Trust Fund is awarding a total of $237,021 and accepting proposals for the next funding cycle.

Child support payments process being reviewed
July 16, 2013 – The Government of Yukon would like the public to comment on a proposed service to recalculate child support payments when the income of a parent changes.

Government of Yukon and Norcope reach settlement
May 29, 2013 – The contractual disputes between the Government of Yukon and Norcope Enterprises Ltd. have been settled out of court.

Cybertip campaign raised awareness in Yukon of online safety for children
May 23, 2013 – Over 2,000 Yukoners viewed the cybertip website during the Yukon government and Canadian Centre for Child Protection’s public awareness campaign.

Nominations for the 2013 Community Safety Awards are now open
May 17, 2013  – Yukoners are encouraged to nominate anyone who contributes to making our communities a safer place.

New Yukon team fosters more effective response to domestic violence and sexualized assault
May 15, 2013 – The Yukon RCMP Specialized Response Unit (SRU), aimed at improving the response to domestic violence and sexualized assault, has been established and staffed.

New secure phone system at Whitehorse Correctional Centre
May 8, 2013 – The Whitehorse Correctional Centre has installed a secure inmate telephone system that will increase safety and security at the correctional centre and for victims of crime.

Yukon and Canada work to improve the rights of victims of crime
April 24, 2013 – The Minister of Justice provided input on a federal victims' bill of rights.

What We Heard documents for land titles modernization now online
March 19, 2013 – The results of consultation on the Land Titles Modernization Project have now been posted online.

Justice employees receive Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medals
March 19, 2013 – Department of Justice employees recognized for significant contributions to public safety.

Yukon Policing priorities established for 2013/14
March 11, 2013 – Yukon's policing priorities for 2013/14 communicated to the RCMP.

Yukon government requesting permission to appeal to the Supreme Court of Canada
February 25, 2013 – Government seeking certainty regarding the free-entry system of staking mineral claims.

Celebrating Safer Internet Day with proactive steps to ensure safety of children
February 5, 2013 – The Yukon government and the Canadian Centre for Child Protection are taking steps to improve online safety for children.

Canadian Centre for Child Protection partnership to help protect Yukon children
January 19, 2013 – Yukon government and Canadian Centre for Child Protection work to educate about online abuse.


Projects share Crime Prevention and Victim Services Trust Fund money
December 3, 2012 – The Crime Prevention and Victim Services Trust Fund is providing funding to six groups that are working towards making our communities safer and more compassionate places to live.

National symposium explores policing in the North
September 20, 2012 – A national symposium on policing in northern and remote Canada wrapped up today in Whitehorse.

Community Safety Award recipients honoured
September 19, 2012 – Justice Minister Mike Nixon announces the winners of the new Community Safety Awards.

Territorial justice ministers work together on northern issues
September 18, 2012 – Territorial ministers of Justice met today in Whitehorse to talk about justice and public safety issues of particular concern to the North.

National symposium explores policing in the North
September 10, 2012 – Stakeholder groups and delegates from across Canada will meet in Whitehorse this month to discuss the challenges and opportunities regarding policing in northern and remote communities.

Yukon Police Council is seeking public input for policing priorities
August 22, 2012 – The newly established Yukon Police Council is seeking input from Yukon citizens on priorities for policing in Yukon.

Minister tours RCMP training centre
July 17, 2012 – Justice Minister and the commanding officer of M Division in Yukon discuss the challenges of preparing RCMP trainees for policing in the North.

Yukon Supreme Court issues Community Safety Order in SCAN case
July 10, 2012 – The Supreme Court of Yukon has issued a Community Safety Order under the Safer Communities and Neighbourhoods Act

Yukon government announces new Community Safety Awards
July 4, 2012 – New Community Safety Award will give Yukoners a chance to recognize those who make significant contributions to community safety.

SCAN takes action on residence in downtown core
June 15, 2012 – The SCAN office has taken action against a downtown residence after several complaints about suspicious or illegal activity.

A year of progress on Sharing Common Ground recommendations
May 9, 2012 – Report outlines significant progress made in implementing recommendations of Sharing Common Ground, the final report of the Policing Review.

Projects share Crime Prevention and Victim Services Trust Fund money
May 1, 2012 – Seven projects aimed at crime prevention and victim services receive $107, 500 in funding.

Government proceeds with land titles modernization project
April 26, 2012 – The Government of Yukon will modernize the Land Titles system in Yukon to improve customer service and facilitate more efficient real estate transactions.

Yukon enters into new 20 year Territorial Police Services Agreement
March 29, 2012 – A new Territorial Police Services Agreement was signed today ensuring the RCMP will continue to be Yukon’s police force for the next 20 years.

Changes to legislation will improve Yukon land titles system
March 20, 2012 – The Government of Yukon is taking steps to improve the land titles system.

Whitehorse Correctional Centre adopts ion scanner
March 19, 2012 – All visitors entering the Whitehorse Correctional Centre will be subject to testing for illegal substances.

New Whitehorse Correctional Centre opens
March 15, 2012 – The state of the art correction centre is now open and all inmates and staff have made the move to the new facility.

Land Titles inspector appointed
March 5, 2012 – The Government of Yukon is appointing a Land Titles inspector to make recommendations on how to modernize the land titles system.

Yukon Police Council members selected
February 23, 2012 – The Minister of Justice is pleased to announce the appointment of members to the new Police Council. Forming a Police Council to give ongoing public input into policing in Yukon was one of the recommendation of Sharing Common Ground, the final report of the review of Yukon’s policing.

Successful Justice and Public Safety ministers’ meeting in Charlottetown
January 30, 2012 – Territorial Ministers of Justice called on the federal government to expand support for therapeutic justice models at the conclusion of the Ministers of Justice meeting in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island.


Variety of projects receive Crime Prevention and Victim Services Trust Fund money
December 16, 2011 – Eight projects totalling over $142,000 are receiving funding from this semi-annual award.

Yukon signs agreement with Alberta Serious Incident Response Team
December 15, 2011 – Yukon government has signed an agreement with the Alberta Serious Incident Response Team to investigate serious incidents involving the RCMP in Yukon.

Author on restorative justice to speak in Yukon
November 7, 2011 – Author Shannon Moroney was just recently married when her husband was charged with the brutal kidnapping and assault of two women. Her book, Through the Glass, explains the experiences she had as her husband's case went through the justice process.

Projects share Crime Prevention and Victim Services Trust Fund money
June 20, 2011 – Crime Prevention and Victim Trust Fund money supports seven projects in six Yukon communities.

Emergency Help Cellphone project enters second phase
June 10, 2011 – Yukoners have donated more than 90 cellphones to Victim Services. The phones will be repurposed by Latitude Wireless and distributed to people at risk.

Victims of Crime Act proclaimed
April 14, 2011 – The Yukon government proclaimed the Victims of Crime Act on April 8, 2011 after consultation with stakeholders and the public.

Police review recommendations are underway
March 22, 2011 – Government of Yukon is making significant progress on implementing the recommendations of the Policing Review with the announcement of four new initiatives.

Police force review recommendations to be implemented
February 22, 2011 – Justice minister Marian C. Horne and Yukon First Nation leaders have endorsed the Sharing Common Ground Final Report and have agreed to move forward with implementation.

New secure assessment centre planned for acutely intoxicated persons
January 11, 2011 – The Yukon government has released the reports, Sharing Common Ground, Review of Yukon's Police Force and the final report from the Task Force on Accutely Intoxicated Persons.


Internet safety report released
December 21, 2010 – Yukon government aims to protect Yukoners from the dangers of the internet.

Justice Wellness Centre opened for Community Corrections clients
December 7, 2010 – This storefront operation will be open seven days a week to provide counselling and training for offenders who require community supervision.

Police force review extended
September 14, 2010 – Justice Minister has extended the deadline for the Review of Yukon's Police Force until December 1.

Yukoners contribute to police force review
July 7, 2010 – Yukoners provide comments to help improve the service provided by police.

Co-chairs welcome efforts by RCMP public complaints commission
June 17, 2010 – Police review advisory committee will work with the public complaints commission towards a goal of better policing in Yukon.

CYFN justice representative to co-chair police review
June 17, 2010 – Council of Yukon First Nations Justice Manager Simone Arnold has been named as the third co-chair of the ongoing Review of Yukon's Police Force.

Review of Yukon’s police force underway
May 19, 2010 – The review of Yukon's police force has officially started and the advisory committee has been appointed.

Victims given a stronger voice through act tabled today
March 29, 2010 – Proposed act to support and reflect victims' needs

Civil forfeiture legislation to take profits out of crime
March 29, 2010 – Government to remove incentives from unlawful activity

Projects share crime prevention and victim services trust fund money
March 23, 2010 – Projects related to victims of crime receive funding.

Improved support for victims of crime
February 10, 2010 – $1.5 million committed to support victims of violence.