Canada Savings Bonds

The Canada Savings Bond

Read about how to redeem CSBs, and find out about rates and services for CSB owners.

Payroll Savings Program

The Canada Savings Bonds (CSB) Payroll Savings Program allows employees to contribute to a Payroll Savings Plan at their place of employment through automatic payroll deductions.

The Canada Premium Bond

Learn how to redeem CPBs, and find out about rates and services for CPB owners.

Financial Institutions & Investment Dealers

This section provides information to financial institutions and investment dealers about processing and administrating bonds. Find rates and redemption values for unmatured and matured bonds.

Celebrating the History of Canada Savings Bonds

Learn about the origins and evolution of the Canada Savings Bond Program.


Find interest rates for unmatured, matured, and repriced Canada Savings Bonds (CSBs) and Canada Premium Bonds (CPBs).