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Hunting licences

What type of hunting licence do I need?

There are different types of licences required to harvest in the NWT, depending on where you live, what game you are after, and whether you are an Aboriginal harvester.

Additional permission, permits or licences may be required, depending on where you live, what you plan to hunt, and what you intend to do with your harvest.  

The information in this section is intended as an overview. For more detailed information, see:

Are you an Aboriginal harvester?

If you are an Aboriginal harvester with rights to harvest in the NWT, you do not need a licence to harvest in areas of the NWT in which you have a right to harvest.

You need a General Hunting Licence (GHL) to harvest in areas of the NWT in which, subject to land claim agreements, you do not have a right to harvest.

If you are an Aboriginal harvester who does not have traditional harvesting rights in the NWT, you need a resident or non-resident hunting licence and must follow the seasons, bag limits and other conditions laid out in the regulations for their particular licence.

Are you an NWT resident?

If you are a resident if you are a Canadian citizen or landed immigrant living in the NWT for 12 continuous months, you need a Resident Hunting Licence.

If you are a resident and temporarily move outside the NWT for less than 12 months, you are still considered a resident as long as you intend to return to the NWT once within that timeframe.

Are you an non-NWT resident?  

If you are Canadian citizen or landed immigrant who lives outside the NWT or has not resided in the NWT for 12 months, you need a Non-resident Hunting Licence.

If you are not a Canadian citizen or a landed immigrant, you need a Non-resident Alien Hunting Licence

Non-NWT residents must follow the seasons, bag limits and other conditions laid out in the regulations for the non-resident licence.

Non-NWT residents must use the serviced of a licensed NWT outfitter and guide to hunt big game.

Are you hunting big game?

Resident and non-NWT resident hunters need a wildlife tag(s) in addition to their hunting licence.

In some wildlife management areas, Aboriginal harvesters and General Hunting Licence holders also require tags/authorizations for certain species of big game. Wildlife tags are issued for each species. The tags must be attached to the animal immediately after the kill.

Non-NWT residents must use the serviced of a licensed NWT outfitter and guide to hunt big game.