The Day of the Hearing

This section contains important information related to the day of the hearing that you will need to know about, namely the start and check-in times for the hearing, the time allotted for oral argument, the need to speak clearly, and the broadcasting of the hearing.

Start Time

Hearings generally begin at 9:30 a.m. However, the Court frequently decides to start at 9:00 a.m. If it does so, you will be advised of this in advance.

Check-in Time

Counsel for both the morning and afternoon hearings must check in with the Registry by 8:00 a.m. if the day's hearings start at 9:00 a.m., or by 8:30 a.m. if the hearings begin at 9:30 a.m. Enter the Court building through the East entrance.

Before the Hearing

Once you have checked in, you will be assigned a locker for your personal items in the Barrister's Robing Room. You will have access to the Courtroom one hour before the hearing in order to set up. You may also go to the Library, which is located on the third floor; a comfortable lounge and a private meeting room are available there for counsel to use on hearing days. The meeting room is equipped with a telephone and has wireless Internet access. Additional tables are available in Room A of the Library. 

If you have reserved seating, you or your guests must claim your tickets from the Registry counter when you check in.   

Oral Argument

You are reminded to stay within your allotted time, which is generally one hour unless the Court orders or directs otherwise.  The counsel sheet will set out how much time each party has for oral argument. No more than two counsel for each appellant or respondent and one counsel for each intervener can present oral argument, and if two counsel are doing so for any party, they must share the time allotted to that party (Rules 71(1) and 71(5)).

Note that for your assistance, the lectern is equipped with a digital clock. Five minutes before your allotted time is over, the clock will turn green. Two minutes and a half before your allotted time is over, the clock will turn yellow. Once your time is over, the clock will turn red.

Need to Speak Clearly

Simultaneous translation services are provided at all appeal hearings, and transcripts will be produced later from the audio recordings of the proceedings and placed on the Court file. We ask, therefore, that you speak slowly and loudly into the microphone to facilitate the oral translation and the transcription of the hearing.

Broadcasting and Webcasting of Appeals

Public proceedings at the Supreme Court of Canada are digitally recorded. The Cable Public Affairs Channel (CPAC) televises and webcasts Supreme Court of Canada hearings. The Court also provides webcasts of all hearings provided that the digital recording of the appeal hearing is available and is not subject to any limitation on access by court order or law as set out in paragraph 3.2 of the Policy for Access to Supreme Court of Canada Court Records.  See also the Notice to the Profession dated October 2013.

The Office of the Registrar of the Supreme Court of Canada authorizes the copying, use and distribution of the recorded proceedings for any use which the Office of the Registrar considers appropriate.


Note that when the Court is in session, no photographs can be taken. Counsel may take pictures after the hearing.

Other Useful Information