This document provides key banking and money market statistics. Released every Friday at 14:00 (ET) except where otherwise noted.

As of 5 May 2017, the Exchange Rates table and the series of forward premium or discount (-) U.S. dollars in Canada on the Financial Markets Statistics table, as well as the graphs for the Monetary Conditions Indicators (3-month commercial paper rate) and CERI exchange rate index and $U.S. exchange rate, will no longer be published in the Weekly Financial Statistics.

These terminations reflect changes to the way the Bank publishes foreign exchange rates. See the related press release, calculation methodology and background information.

The Canadian-dollar effective exchange rate index (CERI) and the Overnight money market financing rate will continue to be available on the Bank of Canada website. Note that CERI will be published by 16:30 ET each day as of 1 March 2017.