
  • 30 April 2003 Opening Statement before the Senate Banking, Trade and Commerce Committee

    Opening Statement David Dodge Senate Banking, Trade and Commerce Committee
    The last time I testified before this committee was in the spring of 2002, because we were unable to arrange our regular meeting last fall. You will recall that following the 11 September 2001 terrorist attacks in the United States, we quickly and aggressively cut our policy interest rate to shore up confidence and support domestic demand. By last spring, evidence had already started to build that demand was growing faster than the economy's production capacity.
    Content Type(s): Press, Speeches
  • 29 April 2003 Opening Statement before the House of Commons Finance Committee

    Opening Statement David Dodge House of Commons Finance Committee
    Last week, we released our spring Monetary Policy Report, in which we discuss economic and financial trends in the context of Canada's inflation-control strategy. I last testified before this committee in October, following the release of our autumn Monetary Policy Report.
    Content Type(s): Press, Speeches
  • 23 April 2003 Release of the Monetary Policy Report

    Opening Statement David Dodge
    Since our October 2002 Monetary Policy Report, both core and total CPI inflation have been well above the 2 per cent inflation target. In this environment, inflation expectations have edged up.
    Content Type(s): Press, Speeches
  • 7 April 2003 Focusing on the Long Term

    Remarks David Dodge Canadian Council of Chief Executives Washington, D.C.
    It has not been an easy year. All of you have been running companies and making decisions under very uncertain conditions. You have had to deal with corporate and accounting issues. Markets have been volatile. And geopolitical events have shaken confidence.
    Content Type(s): Press, Speeches


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