Kristina Hess


Kristina Hess is an economist in the Global Issues Division of the International Economic Analysis Department. She joined the Bank in September 2012 after completing the MA Economics program at Queen’s University.


Kristina Hess

International Economic Analysis
Global Issues

Bank of Canada
234 Wellington Street
Ottawa, ON, K1A 0G9


Assessing Global Potential Output Growth

This note estimates potential output growth for the global economy through 2019. While there is considerable uncertainty surrounding our estimates, overall we expect global potential output growth to rise modestly, from 3.1 per cent in 2016 to 3.4 per cent in 2019.

16 May 2016 Monetary Policy Frameworks: Recent International Developments

Inflation-targeting frameworks have remained relatively stable over the past few years despite significant challenges, including prolonged low inflation, a large negative commodity price shock and rising financial stability concerns in some economies. The tools used by central banks have, however, evolved substantially. This article provides a survey of the developments in the inflation-targeting frameworks of 10 central banks in advanced economies that correspond to the three research areas of the Bank of Canada’s 2016 renewal: the level of the inflation target, the measurement of core inflation and financial stability considerations in the formulation of monetary policy.

Monetary Policy and Financial Stability: Cross-Country Evidence

Staff Working Paper 2015-41 Christian Friedrich, Kristina Hess, Rose Cunningham
Central banks may face challenges in achieving their price stability goals when financial stability risks are present. There is, however, considerable heterogeneity among central banks with respect to how they manage these potential trade-offs.

International Transmission Channels of U.S. Quantitative Easing: Evidence from Canada

Staff Working Paper 2014-43 Tatjana Dahlhaus, Kristina Hess, Abeer Reza
The U.S. Federal Reserve responded to the great recession by reducing policy rates to the effective lower bound. In order to provide further monetary stimulus, they subsequently conducted large-scale asset purchases, quadrupling their balance sheet in the process.

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  • M.A. (Economics) Queen’s University (2012)
  • B.A. (Economics) University of British Columbia (2010)


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