Corey Garriott

Senior Analyst


Corey Garriott

Senior Analyst
Financial Markets
Market Structure and Regulation

Bank of Canada
234 Wellington Street
Ottawa, ON, K1A 0G9


Banking Regulation and Market Making

Staff Working Paper 2017-7 David A. Cimon, Corey Garriott
We present a model of market makers subject to recent banking regulations: liquidity and capital constraints in the style of Basel III and a position limit in the style of the Volcker Rule.

Options Decimalization

Staff Working Paper 2016-57 Faith Chin, Corey Garriott
We document the outcome of an options decimalization pilot on Canada’s derivatives exchange. Decimalization improves measures of liquidity and price efficiency. The impact differs by the moneyness of an option and is greatest for out-of-the-money options.

9 June 2016 Securities Financing and Bond Market Liquidity

This report investigates how the markets for repurchase agreements and securities-lending agreements support the liquidity of Canadian bond markets. It also discusses how recent regulatory changes, as well as low interest rates and settlement failures, are potentially affecting securities-financing markets and, as a result, bond market liquidity.

Retail Order Flow Segmentation

Staff Working Paper 2016-20 Corey Garriott, Adrian Walton
In August 2012, the New York Stock Exchange launched the Retail Liquidity Program (RLP), a trading facility that enables participating organizations to quote dark limit orders executable only by retail traders.

Canadian Repo Market Ecology

Staff Discussion Paper 2016-8 Corey Garriott, Kyle Gray
This is the first of the Financial Markets Department’s descriptions of Canadian financial industrial organization. The document discusses the organization of the repurchase-agreement (repo) market in Canada.

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  • Ph.D. UCLA, 2012
  • M.Phil. University of Cambridge, 2006
  • BA Philosophy and BS Economics, University of South Carolina, 2005

Research Interests

  • Finance
  • Game theory
  • Market structure and pricing


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