
Reliable, easy-to-understand health and safety information for Canadians and health professionals.

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Services and information

Health risks and safety

Recalls and safety alerts, home safety tips and how to be prepared in an emergency.

Food and nutrition

Food labels, requirements, buying food grown or prepared in Canada and how to report a labelling concern.

Drug and health products

Licences, inspections, buying and using products safely, side effects, recalls and complaints.

Product safety

Consumer, pest control and chemical product recalls, alerts, risks, standards, regulations and problem reporting.

Diseases and conditions

Common diseases, food allergies and organ and tissue donation.

Healthy living

Environmental health factors, risks of substance abuse, smoking and tobacco, and information on healthy pregnancy.

Aboriginal health

Physical and mental health services, addictions, non-insured health benefits, environmental health and food safety.

Health system and services

Canada's health care system and services including health cards, funding, training and consultations.

Science, research and data

Health science, research, data, monitoring and surveillance, and the determinants of health.


Food allergies

May is Food Allergy Awareness Month

Learn about food allergies, sensitivities and intolerances, and how to identify common food allergens.

The mosquito Season is here!

The mosquito Season is here!

Protect yourself from itchy mosquito bites.


Learn about hantaviruses and the diseases they can cause.

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