Statement Article from  Public Health Agency of Canada

Minister's Message – Sexual and Reproductive Health Week

Sexual health is an important part of good overall health. This year, from February 12-18, Canada recognizes Sexual and Reproductive Health Awareness Week.

This week presents an opportunity for individuals, communities and governments to reflect on the work we have done together to promote sexual and reproductive health, and to encourage all Canadians to engage in healthy behaviours.

Stigma, discrimination and sexual violence can occur when individuals don’t talk openly about sexual health and don’t have access to vital reproductive and sexual health information. It is so important to create positive and respectful relationships, including relationships between individuals and their health care providers to foster better health outcomes and improve better access to services.

The Government of Canada is working closely with the provinces and territories to monitor trends in sexually transmitted infections, which in turn inform policy and health service planning and delivery. We are also working with provinces, territories, communities and other partners to promote comprehensive sexual health education, information and programs that remove the stigma associated with sexual health issues.

Building on this collaboration, the Public Health Agency of Canada is convening a conference to discuss sexually transmitted and blood-borne infections on February 23-24, 2017. This will bring together health care practitioners, academics, researchers, provincial and territorial officials and community-based organizations to identify concrete actions that will help Canada to address HIV, Hepatitis B and C and other sexually transmitted infections as public health concerns.

This Sexual and Reproductive Health Week, I encourage Canadians to take an active role in protecting their sexual and reproductive health and wellness, by taking the time to get informed and get tested for sexually transmitted infections.

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The Honourable Jane Philpott, P.C., M.P.

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Hon. Jane Philpott Public Health Agency of Canada Health and Safety

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