Transparency (proactive disclosure) at the Canada Revenue Agency

Proactive disclosure update

Federal departments and agencies are moving their web content to As a part of that process, most of the Canada Revenue Agency's proactive disclosure reports are now available through the Open Government portal. For any questions on this issue, please contact the Treasure Board of Canada Secretariat at

Find information related to the Canada Revenue Agency's (CRA's) travel and hospitality expenses, contracting, grants and contributions, and job reclassifications. By making this information readily available, Canadians and Parliament are better able to hold the Government and public sector officials to account.

Disclosure of annual travel, hospitality, and conference expenses
Annual expenditures for each of travel, hospitality, and conferences for the CRA

Disclosure of quarterly travel expenses
Travel expenses for senior level CRA officials

Disclosure of quarterly hospitality expenses
Hospitality expenses for senior level CRA officials

Disclosure of contracts
Contracts over $10,000 issued by or on behalf of the CRA

Disclosure of grant and contribution awards
Grants and contributions over $25,000 awarded by the CRA

Disclosure of job reclassifications
Job reclassifications within the CRA

Related links

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