About Us

About Us

Who We Are

The Canadian Air Transport Security Authority is a Crown corporation responsible for securing specific elements of the air transportation system – from passenger and baggage screening to screening airport workers.

Established on April 1, 2002, CATSA is fully funded by parliamentary appropriations and is accountable to Parliament through the Minister of Transport.

CATSA is governed by a Board of Directors with its operations directed by a Senior Management Team.

What We Do

CATSA is mandated with protecting the public through effective and efficient screening of air travellers and their baggage. Our goal is to provide a professional, effective and consistent level of security service across the country, at or above the standards set by Transport Canada.


CATSA was the centerpiece of the Government of Canada’s response to the events of September 11, 2001 and part of a comprehensive $2.2 billion package of aviation security initiatives in the December 2001 budget.

Established on April 1, 2002, CATSA’s responsibilities fall into four major areas:


CATSA’s mission is to protect the public by securing critical elements of the air transportation system as assigned by the Government of Canada.


CATSA’s vision is to excel in air transport security.

We will achieve our vision through:

  • Our service: We provide the best possible passenger experience and deliver value to Canadians with an optimal use of our resources;
  • Our people: We are engaged, committed and succeed through teamwork;
  • Our partnerships: We work in collaboration with partners to generate mutual benefits and improvements.

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