Video Gallery

Video Gallery

Below are some of our most popular videos. You can access all of CATSA’s videos on our YouTube channel

The Walk-through Metal Detector

As part of the screening process, you will need to pass through the walk-through metal detector. This process should be quick and efficient if you follow these tips. (Read text version)


Travelling with Duty-free Purchases

Know the rules for duty-free before you fly. (Read text version)


Family Travel

Look for the Family/Special Needs Lane. (Read text version)


Travelling with Sharp Objects

Tips for travelling with sharp objects. (Read text version)


Security Screening Tips video

Before you fly, learn the rules. Follow these tips on how to get through security screening hassle-free. (Read text version)


Packing Tips video

Before you fly, know how to pack your carry on bag. Paying extra attention when packing items like liquids, aerosols, gels, medications and electronic can save you time in line. (Read text version)

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