Permanent Resident Card

We updated the PR card

On November 21, 2015, IRCC started producing new permanent resident (PR) cards. The new design incorporates updated photograph specifications and security features.

Learn about the permanent resident card, the official proof of immigration status for all permanent residents of Canada.

Permanent Resident Card

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Transcript: “Permanent Resident Card”

Video length: 02:46 minutes

“The permanent resident card (or PR card) is part of the Government of Canada’s commitment to border security and upholding the integrity of the immigration process.”

Various fast-paced border security and Citizenship and Immigration Canada shots are revealed. Some include traffic at customs, airplanes and a card inspection.

“Permanent Residents should carry their PR card at all times when travelling outside Canada.”

The PR card appears on screen. The card flips to the reverse side as a graphic with text introduces the title: Permanent Resident Card. Other shots against a background include various faces, a plane and the CIC red maple leaf.

“It is the official proof of immigration status for all permanent residents of Canada and is required when seeking to re-enter the country on a commercial carrier: airplane, boat, train or bus.”

A Welcome to Canada sign in both official languages flashes up, as people walk through the airport. Various commercial carriers appear on screen: an airplane, boat, and train.

“The wallet-sized plastic card contains state-of-the-art security features.”

The PR card rotates against a graphic background. An extreme close-up reveals a photograph in a transparent window as a finger rubs the card for a physical inspection.

“The PR card’s advanced security features make it extremely resistant to forgery and alteration.”

A UV light shines on the card and reveals different-coloured images of geese and other line images.

“In practical terms, the card provides an effective and accurate verification of a traveller’s status.”

Someone looks through a microscope and adjusts the device. The card appears on screen as a moving image being inspected.

“The card’s security features also comply with International Civil Aviation Organization requirements.”

A view of the International Civil Aviation Organization appears on a computer screen.

“PR card security features include a laser-engraved primary photograph, as well as a secondary photograph presented in a transparent window.”

The animation of the card reveals a tighter view of the photograph. It continues to reveal a second transparent photo window.

“The Unique Serial Number is used for tracking the card if it is lost or stolen.”

The reverse side of the card is revealed as the animation moves in for a close-up on the serial number.

“The bar code feature contains the photo and personal data of the cardholder.”

Another tight shot reveals the bar code feature of the card.

“This information is also encrypted and may only be read using software that is accessible to Canadian officials.”

An immigration official examines the card.

“All versions of the Permanent Resident Card are valid until their date of expiry.”

Both versions of the PR card appear on screen.

“New permanent residents will automatically receive their card as part of the immigration process.”

A Permanent Resident arrives in Canada and hands in her documentation.

“Current permanent residents need to apply for a new PR card before their existing card expires. Once they receive their new PR card, their old one will no longer be valid.”

The PR card rotates against a graphic background and reveals the expiry date. Various versions of the PR card appear on screen.

“Before travelling outside Canada, each permanent resident is responsible for checking the expiry date on their PR card to make sure that it will still be valid upon their return to Canada.”

A traveller moves through the airport check-in area and we recognize her as the person highlighted in the card. The opening dynamic graphic reappears with all the action shots from the introduction.

The copyright 2013 and CIC logo appear.

The Canada word mark appears.

Fade to black

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