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Public Works and Government Services Canada

Supply Manual

The Supply Manual – Version 2017-1, effective date 2017-04-27, contains policies and procedures, as well as references to acts and directives, for the procurement of goods, services and construction. It is intended primarily for the use of Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC) contracting officers acting in PSPC's capacity as a common services provider, when it undertakes procurements on behalf of other Government of Canada organizations. See the Supply Manual Synopsis for details.

You can also View and download the complete Supply Manual HTML file.

View and download the complete Supply Manual HTML file

The current version of the Supply Manual is also available to download as a compressed file (Zip file). This allows users to:

  • Save the content for offline browsing: This can be helpful where there is no internet access;
  • Browse the file: Once the file is opened, users can search the complete Supply Manual by pressing Ctrl-F (Windows OS) or Cmd-F (Mac OS) to enable the “Find” text field.

Important: The Supply Manual is frequently updated, and the complete HTML file is updated accordingly. Users working with a saved copy of the Supply Manual HTML file on their computer should always ensure that they are using the most current version.

Download the Zip file containing the complete Supply Manual version 2017-1 in HTML format. (Zip file - 598 KB) - (Help on File Formats).