Senator Raymonde Saint-Germain

Senator Raymonde Saint-Germain

  • Province: Quebec (De la Vallière)
  • Affiliation: Non-affiliated (Independent Senators Group)
  • Telephone: 613-995-9204
  • Fax: 613-995-9210
  • Email:  vCard
  • Staff: Ferland, Pascal (S); D'aragon, Alexandre (R)


Senator Raymonde Saint-Germain is an experienced public administrator. She served in several senior multidisciplinary positions in the Government of Quebec such as Québec Ombudsperson, Deputy Minister of Government Services, Deputy Minister of Relations with Citizens and Immigration, Assistant Deputy Minister of International Relations, and Quebec Official Publisher. She has chaired and been a member of many governance committees, boards of directors, and audit committees in the public sector and in community and philanthropic organizations.

Senator Saint-Germain served as chair of the Association internationale des ombudsmans et médiateurs de la francophonie; vice-chair of the Greater Quebec Community Foundation and chair of the Foundation’s audit committee; collaborator to Laval University’s Research Chair on Democracy and Parliamentary Institutions; trainer for the Ombuds professional development programs at York University’s Osgoode Hall Law School and the Université de Sherbrooke; co-chair of the United Way campaign, public and parapublic sectors; member of the board of directors of the Raoul Dandurand Chair of Strategic and Diplomatic Studies of the University of Quebec at Montreal; and member of the board of directors of the Agence Québec Wallonie-Bruxelles pour la jeunesse.

Senator Saint-Germain holds a bachelor’s degree in journalism and information from Laval University and an Ombuds certificate from Osgoode Hall Law School at York University, and also studied in the international management master’s program at the École nationale d'administration publique of the Université du Québec.


Maiden Speech

Motion for Address in Reply—Debate Continued

May 02, 2017