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Operational Footprint

We also consider the impact that our own operations have on the environment and have taken steps to reduce our operational footprint, which we report publicly. Data includes electricity, natural gas and paper usage, water consumption and business travel and has been to converted greenhouse gas equivalents using the Greenhouse Gas Protocol. Since we began reporting in 2008, the results indicate that our efforts to reduce, reuse and recycle have had some impact.

These efforts were spearheaded by our Green Team, a cross-corporate, volunteer employee advocacy group which provides a forum to develop new ideas. We have undertaken many environmental initiatives as a direct response.

Operational Footprint Data


Unit​ 2015 ​2016
Electricity Consumption​​ ​ ​ kWh​​ 8,871,991​ 8,532,174
kWh​/FTE*​ 7,668.10 6,518
tonnes CO2 1,339​ 1,287
Natural Gas Consumption​ ​ ​ m3 259,151​ 208,324
m3/FTE​​* 223.99 159
tonnes CO2 490​ 394
Business Travel​​ ​ ​ ​ km (flight)​ 15,158,000​ 16,422,000
km (vehicle)​​ 154,000​ 135,000
Total km​​​ 15,312,000​ 16,557,000
tonnes CO2 1,752​ 1,890
Paper Consumption​​ ​ ​ tonnes​​ 11​ 11
kg/FTE​​* 9 8
tonnes CO2


Paper Recycled​ ​ tonnes​​ 31​ 35
kg/FTE​​* 27 27
Mixed Paper Recycled​​ tonnes​​ 14​ 12
kg/FTE​​* 13​ 9
Building Water Consumption​ ​ L​ 19,615,000​ 19,557,000
L/FTE​* 16,953 14,940
Waste Generated (HQ)**​​ tonnes​​ 112​ 118
Carbon Footprint​​ ​ tonnes CO2 3,606​​ 3,596
tonnes CO2/FTE​​* 3.1​ 2.7

* FTE is full time equivalent (all permanent employees with a status of Active, Paid Leave, or Unpaid Leave); 2015 FTE data revised due du miscalculation
** This figure includes waste generated from two commercial facilities located within the Headquarters building.

Assumptions used for measurable footprint components:

  • Paper Consumption: includes plain paper usage in the serveries and Printshop
  • Paper Recycling: includes confidential shredding bins and bulk shredding
  • Mixed Paper Recycled: includes common mixed paper, cardboard recycling centres and individual mixed paper recycling bins. This calculation is based on the 2015 Waste Audit.
  • Electricity Consumption, Natural Gas Consumption, and Building Water Consumption: pro-rated based on leased EDC office space
  • Business Travel (flight and vehicle): includes air travel purchased / tracked through Ottawa travel department, and mileage associated with EDC’s car allowance program.

Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Conversion Information

​Footprint Component Inventory (Scope 1, 2 or 3)​ CO2​ Factor Source​
Electricity Consumption​
 Scope 2
All (Ontario Power grid uses coal, oil, natural gas, hydro and nuclear)​ World Resources Institute GHG Protocol from purchased electricity, v.4.7 (revised May 2015)​
Natural Gas Consumption​
Scope 1​
Commercial, gaseous fossil, natural gas World Resources Institute GHG Protocol from stationary combustion, v 4.1 (revised May 2015)​
Paper Consumption​
Scope 3
Cascade Rolland HiTech
50 uncoated paper with 50% recycled content​
CO2 estimates were made using the Environmental Defense Fund Paper Calculator​
Business Travel (flight)​
Scope 3​
Total CO2 emissions resulting from short and long haul flights​ World Resources Institute: GHG emissions from transport or mobile sources, GHG Emission Calculation Tool, v 2.6 (revised May 2015)
Business Travel (Vehicle)​​
Scope 3​
Total CO2 emissions resulting from personal or company vehicles​ World Resources Institute: GHG emissions from transport or mobile sources, GHG Emission Calculation Tool, v 2.6 (revised May 2015)​
World Resources Institute: The Greenhouse Gas protocol: A Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard (revised edition);
Scope 1 Inventory: a reporting organization's direct GHG emissions
Scope 2 Inventory: a reporting organization's emissions associated with the generation of electricity, heating/cooling or steam purchased for own consumption
Scope 3 Inventory: a reporting organization's indirect emissions other than those covered by Scope 2