
Proactive Disclosure

The Government of Canada is working hard to enhance the role of Parliament and the proactive disclosure of information so that Canadians are better able to hold Parliament, their Government, and public sector officials to account.

The Canadian Transportation Agency is committed to transparency and the highest ethical standards. The Agency fully supports the government direction to publish on departmental Web sites the travel and hospitality expenses for senior government officials; contracts entered into for amounts over $10,000; and the reclassification of positions. This information is currently updated on a quarterly basis. The Canadian Transportation Agency does not have any grant or contribution programs.

Disclosure of Travel and Hospitality Expenses

On December 12, 2003, the government released the Guide for Ministers and Ministers of State and Guidelines for Ministers' Offices, which stipulate that all travel and hospitality expenses for Ministers, Ministers of State, Parliamentary Secretaries, and their exempt staff will be provided on institutional Web sites. In line with this commitment, the requirement also extends to senior level Government of Canada employees.

Reporting shall be on a quarterly basis, corresponding to pre-determined periods. Information must be posted online within thirty days of the end of each reporting period.

Travel and Hospitality Expenses Reports

Disclosure of Contracts

On March 23, 2004, as part of the 2004 Budget, the government committed to "publicly disclose all contracts entered into by the Government of Canada for amounts over $10,000, with only very limited exceptions, such as national security. These new requirements will be phased in over time, starting with procurement contracts for goods and services."

Quarterly reports will be posted online within thirty days of the end of each fiscal quarter, which end on June 30, September 30, December 31, and March 31.

Contract Disclosure Reports

Disclosure of Grants and Contributions

On October 21, 2005, the Government of Canada announced its commitment to proactively disclose the awarding of grants and contributions over $25,000. The Canadian Transportation Agency does not administer a grants and contributions program. 

Disclosure of Position Reclassification

On February 25, 2004, the government announced a new framework, based on accountability, increased transparency and policy adherence, which requires that all departments and agencies post position reclassification information on their website.

The Disclosure of Position Reclassification will be based on classification decisions for occupied positions authorised during the reporting period.

Position reclassification information must be posted online by the last business day of the month following the end of the reporting period.

Disclosure of Position Reclassifications

Disclosure of Travel, Hospitality and Conferences Expenditures

In accordance with Section 6.4 of the Treasury Board Directive on Management of Expenditures on Travel, Hospitality and Conferences, effective January 1, 2011, departments are required to disclose the total annual expenditures for travel, hospitality and conferences for the department through their website. The travel, hospitality and conferences expenditures incurred by Service Canada are included in the annual reports of Human Resources and Skills Development Canada.

The posting of these annual reports coincides with the tabling of the Departmental Performance Report.

Travel, Hospitality and Conferences Expenditure Reports

Public Servants Disclosure Protection Act

The Canadian Transportation Agency is committed to strengthening the integrity of the federal public service by fostering an environment in which employees may disclose possible wrongdoing, and be protected from reprisal for having made such a disclosure.

The Public Servants Disclosure Protection Act came into force in 2007. Its purpose is to encourage employees in the public sector to come forward if they have reason to believe that serious wrongdoing has been committed or is about to be committed in the workplace, or if they have been asked to commit a wrongdoing. It also provides protection against reprisal if they do come forward, and offers a fair and objective process for those who are accused of wrongdoing.

This Act requires all organizations to provide public access to information concerning any wrongdoing found as a result of a disclosure. Therefore, the organization must describe: the wrongdoing, the recommendations made to the chief executive, and the corrective action taken by the organization's chief executive.

Findings of Wrongdoing at the Canadian Transportation Agency:

  • There are currently no cases of founded wrongdoing to report at the Agency.

Access to Information and Privacy

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