Alberta Carbon Conversion Technology Centre

Carbon capture and utilization is one of the most promising technologies in the fight against climate change, and the Government of Canada is making investments in R&D to support its development.

As part of Natural Resources Canada’s Oil and Gas Clean Tech Program, the Government of Canada is providing up to $10 million to the Alberta Carbon Conversion Technology Centre in Calgary — a state-of-the art research facility that will allow new technologies to be tested on a near-commercial scale.

Among the first to use the new centre will be finalists for the NRG COSIA Carbon X-PRIZE, who will be able to test their innovative ideas to re-imagine carbon and create new industries and a cleaner energy future.



What success will look like

Shepard Energy Centre in Calgary

Photo: Shepard Energy Centre
Courtesy of ENMAX Corporation

The new facility at the Shepard Energy Centre in Calgary will provide a venue where research scientists from industry, academic institutions and governments come together in a major urban location to:

  • collaborate on innovative carbon-use technologies at a large industrial scale
  • test the conversion of carbon dioxide into usable products that would result in new revenue opportunities

This research could bring new building materials, fuels and consumer goods to market.


Key facts

Researchers will be able to test technologies utilizing between 1 and 25 tonnes of carbon dioxide per day.

2017-03-02 - Minister of Alberta MOU signing

Canada’s Minister of Natural Resources, the Honourable Jim Carr (L), and Alberta’s Economic Development and Trade Minister, Deron Bilous (R), recently signed a new Alberta–Canada collaboration agreement on clean energy research and technology in Ottawa.