Graham Iddon

  • November 8, 2017 Harry Potter Was Here

    By: Graham Iddon

    The set for Diagon Alley is smaller than it looks on film but is still an endless delight to visit in the flesh.
    Imagine your kids nagging you to visit a great cathedral or whining, “Kevin’s family got to go on a walking tour of Oxford, why can’t we?” Oddly enough, this scenario may not as far fetched as it sounds.
    Content Type(s): Blog
  • October 10, 2017 Vimy–Beyond the Battle

    By: Graham Iddon

    Carousel - Vimy–Beyond the Battle
    I was taken aback to discover that it was not about the battle at all but, rather, was about commemoration…
    Content Type(s): Blog
  • September 27, 2017 THE “BIG SIX”

    By: Graham Iddon

    carousel-2017 BIG6
    The necessity of creating and adopting these concepts becomes clear when one begins to get a sense of history’s downright frightening lack of objectivity.
    Content Type(s): Blog
  • September 12, 2017 How’re We Doing So Far?

    By: Graham Iddon

    Carousel - How’re We Doing So Far?
    It’s all good, and we couldn’t be happier with our first few weeks of business.
    Content Type(s): Blog
  • July 18, 2017 A Dash Through the Imperial War Museum

    By: Graham Iddon

    Carousel - A Dash Through the Imperial War Museum
    So, despite the known health risks, I rashly decided to “do” London’s Imperial War Museum (IWM) in a single morning. It almost worked.
    Content Type(s): Blog
  • July 11, 2017 Our Grand Opening…

    By: Graham Iddon

    Museum Carousel
    After four years of plans, worries, setbacks, successes and sheer hard work, the Bank of Canada Museum opened its doors—on Canada Day, right on schedule.
    Content Type(s): Blog
  • June 28, 2017 July First, 2017: It’s Our Grand Opening!

    By: Graham Iddon

    carousel 2017 pre-opening
    Situated as we are on the edge of the Parliamentary Precinct, there could be no better time to open our doors than when tens of thousands of festive Canadians are likely to be milling around.
    Content Type(s): Blog
  • June 22, 2017 Museum Reconstruction - Part 8

    By: Graham Iddon

    Carousel - Museum Reconstruction - Part 8
    The last few stragglers among our artifacts are ready for installation and the interactives and digital labels are bulking up with the final software and data, in them, so it’s all there, functional and looking fantastic.
    Content Type(s): Blog Subject(s): Planning
  • June 16, 2017 The Yap Stone Returns

    By: Graham Iddon

    Carousel - The Yap Stone Returns
    For us, its removal from the Garden Court dramatically marked the Currency Museum’s closing. The big stone’s return now performs the opposite role for the new Bank of Canada Museum—heralding its opening.
    Content Type(s): Blog
  • June 9, 2017 A New Ten on the Block

    By: Graham Iddon

    Carousel - C150
    In a modern twist, Governor Stephen S. Poloz took a “selfie” while holding a C150 note before meeting up with the Honourable Ginette Petipas Taylor for the main photo op.
    Content Type(s): Blog