Health and the environment

Learn about environmental factors affecting your health such as sun exposure, air quality, pests and pesticides, as well as safety tips for home and garden.

Services and information

Home and garden safety

Stay safe at home and in the garden by learning about radon testing, using household chemicals safely, avoiding poison ivy and reducing humidity, moisture and mould.

Air quality

Learn about air quality, including road traffic and air pollution, chemicals, asbestos and the Air Quality Health Index tool.

Pests and pesticides

Learn how to deal with common household pests like spiders, bedbugs, carpenter ants, silverfish and firebrats.

Sun safety

Find information on sun safety and how to protect yourself from extreme heat and ultraviolet radiation. Also learn about skin cancer and first aid for sunburn and heat illness.

Chemicals and your health

You are exposed to many chemicals every day - in the air, food and water and in products you use at work, at home and at play. Exposure to most of these chemicals is not harmful, but in some cases exposure can affect your health if you don't know how to use them properly.

Water quality and health

Health effects of water contaminants, causes of poor drinking water quality, water testing methods and fixes.

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