Pride Looks Different For Second-Generation Canadians

Pride Looks Different For Second-Generation Canadians

Five simple words some kids — and parents — don't hear often enough.
After Nearly 20 Years, I've Realized There's No Such Thing As 'Bad' Hair

After Nearly 20 Years, I've Realized There's No Such Thing As 'Bad' Hair

Kayla Greaves  09. 2.2016
When it comes to black people, our hair, just like our skin tones, aren't a one type fits all kind of deal. And for far too long, in both...
When 'What's Your Background?' Turns Into A 20-Minute Argument

When 'What's Your Background?' Turns Into A 20-Minute Argument

Angelyn Francis  08.31.2016
I grew up surrounded by friends and family members who looked like all of these races, but all I knew at three was that they were all Jamaican....
I'm The Only Person In My Asian Family Who Wants To Be Tan

I'm The Only Person In My Asian Family Who Wants To Be Tan

Madelyn Chung  08.30.2016
Most East Asians yearn to be pale, my Hong Kong-born sisters included. (Ironically, they're more naturally tan, while I'm the palest of...
My Mixed-Race Family Has No Set Culture, But We Have Each Other

My Mixed-Race Family Has No Set Culture, But We Have Each Other

Mike Sholars  08.24.2016
No one knows what my family is, or how exactly we all relate to each other at first sight, but it's always been a question of where we...
I Always Wondered Why My Parents Never Said 'We're Proud Of You'

I Always Wondered Why My Parents Never Said 'We're Proud Of You'

Brian Trinh  08.22.2016
By the time I hit middle school, I was bringing home more As than a family-sized box of Alphabet cereal. I was clueless when it came to...
Growing Up As A Brown Girl, I Was Used To Being Called ‘Fat'

Growing Up As A Brown Girl, I Was Used To Being Called ‘Fat'

Arti Patel  08.19.2016
In seventh grade, I took a family trip to India and my weight was the hot topic. Family members I hadn't seen in years commented on how...
Who I Am Has Nothing To Do With Where My Parents Were Born

Who I Am Has Nothing To Do With Where My Parents Were Born

Joy D'Souza  08.17.2016
My cultural identity isn't defined by where my parents were born. My father was born in Pakistan, his siblings and parents were born in...
Your Parents Are Proud Of You (They Just Don't Know How To Say It)

Your Parents Are Proud Of You (They Just Don't Know How To Say It)

Kayla Greaves  08.15.2016
When I was younger (and even now) I craved the approval of my parents. I wanted so badly to make them proud. But not hearing the actual...
Divorce Split My Mixed-Race Family But Defined My Identity

Divorce Split My Mixed-Race Family But Defined My Identity

Alanna Cardona  08.12.2016
The question I've been asked consistently throughout my life is, "which side do you identify more with?" I hate this question. You are...
My Parents Are Proud Of Me Even Though I've Never Heard Them Say It

My Parents Are Proud Of Me Even Though I've Never Heard Them Say It

Russell Sabio  08.10.2016
I knew it was something parents said to their kids, a thing friends said to each other, and I wanted someone to say it to me.
4 Reasons Asking ‘Where Are You From?' Is Offensive

4 Reasons Asking ‘Where Are You From?' Is Offensive

Isabelle Khoo  07. 4.2016
I'm Chinese, but I strongly identify as a Canadian, because I was born and raised here. So when people start questioning if I truly am...
To My Immigrant Parents: Thank You For Taking A Chance On Canada

To My Immigrant Parents: Thank You For Taking A Chance On Canada

Nicholas Mizera  07. 1.2016
This Canada Day we are reminded that our country is a nation of immigrants, many of whom took risks similar to yours to create a better...