Symbol of the Government of Canada

Public Works and Government Services Canada

2.30.10. Allocation of Work by Complexity

  1. Each requisition undergoes an assessment to determine the Complexity Level of the procurement in order to direct the requirement into the appropriate process stream (Complexity Level 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5) and to allocate it to a contracting officer with the necessary skill set to handle the procurement.
  2. The manager (or whomever assigns the work) is responsible for determining the complexity of a requirement. Once this determination has been made, the selected Complexity Level must be documented on file (dated and signed) and entered into the Automated Buyer Environment (ABE).
  3. Should a requirement’s Complexity Level change during the course of the procurement, the decision to change the Complexity Level must be discussed with the manager and annotated on file, explaining why the change was necessary. Any change to the Complexity Level must also be updated within ABE.
  4. The definitions of the various complexities can be found in the Glossary, and the characteristics of each level are identified in Annex 2.4 Characteristics of Acquisitions Program Procurement Complexity Levels.