
Proactive disclosure

Find information on our proactive disclosures, such as travel and hospitality expenses (for selected government officials), contracts over $10,000, grants and contribution agreements over $25,000, as well as position reclassifications.

Access to information and privacy

Access to information and privacy provides Canadian citizens, permanent residents or any person (or entity) present in Canada the legal right to obtain information, in any form, that is under the control of a government institution.


Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) regularly conducts public consultations on issues that affect Canadians. Through consultations, the Department gains a greater understanding of the perspectives of a wide range of citizens, stakeholders as well as experts to help inform program and policy decisions. This section provides information on ongoing and past public consultations.

Contract Terms and Conditions

Read the rights and obligations of parties involved in CIC contracts.

Program Terms and Conditions

Read about the terms and conditions for programs.

Values and Ethics

The CIC Code of Conduct outlines the values and expected behaviours that guide public servants in all activities related to their professional duties.


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