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Next Public Hearing to inquire into the merits of establishing a Pork PRA - Sittings now closed

The sittings in regards to the proposal submitted by the Canadian Pork Council are now closed. The FPCC held two sittings to examine the merits of establishing a Canadian Pork Promotion and Research Agency. The first public hearing in Calgary was held on January 19, 2016, and the second on February 16, 2016, in Montreal.

All material submitted and presented will be reviewed and thoroughly evaluated and analyzed by the Panel. For more information, please visit the public hearings page in relation to the Canadian Pork Council's proposal.

On July 15, 2015, the Farm Products Council of Canada received, from the Canadian Pork Council, a proposal to establish a Canadian Pork Promotion and Research Agency to be funded by levies. The FPCC Chair, Laurent Pellerin, has appointed Mike Pickard and Maryse Dubé as Panel Chair and member, respectively. FPCC is reviewing this request.

Applicant: Canadian Pork Council 

Proposal: Application for the creation of a Canadian Pork Promotion and Research Agency

Related Documents:

*Please note that the French proposal, submitted by the Canadian Pork Council for the establishment of a PRA, is a translation from an external third party source. Users wishing to rely upon this information should consult with the original English version for accuracy.