School Programs

Many of our school programs engage students in celebrating Canada’s 150th anniversary of Confederation by exploring the themes of reconciliation, diversity and inclusion, environment and youth.

Our school programs are curriculum-based, age-appropriate, inclusive and accessible, using a diverse range of exhibits, activities and methods for exploration. Programs, including tours and workshops, are from 60 minutes to two hours long. They are offered mornings and afternoons from Tuesday to Friday until May 28, 2017, and from Monday to Friday May 29 to June 30, 2017 (the Museum is closed Mondays until May 28). Many of our 2016-2017 school programs engage students in celebrating Canada’s 150th anniversary, exploring the Canada 150 themes of Reconciliation, Inclusion & Diversity, Environment, and Youth.

The following school programs are available for the 2016-17 school year, starting October 5, 2016:




Please note: Our school programs do not include a visit to the Israel Asper Tower of Hope or to the Level 1 Gallery. However, your $5 per student school booking rate includes the school program of your choice plus one  hour on your own to visit the Israel Asper Tower of Hope, other galleries, or the Museum Boutique.