Green Mining Initiative

Green Mining Initiative

Enhancing Mine Productivity
Read about how Canada is examining opportunities to help improve the productivity of our country’s existing mines, and is developing technologies to accelerate the development of new mines.

Managing Water in the Mining Cycle
Mining is a water-intensive activity and improving water efficiency is essential to moving towards a more sustainable mining sector in Canada. Learn more about the research projects under way at CanmetMINING to address water management issues in Canada.

Minimizing and Managing Mine Waste
Learn more about how CanmetMINING is developing new waste management technologies to look at mine waste as a potential source of valuable materials and to develop enhanced waste technologies to address ecosystem restoration and mine closure.

Energy Efficiency in Mining
Find out how CanmetMINING is helping to improve energy efficiency in mining and reduce greenhouse gas emissions through its research and development.

Green Mining Initiative Video
Watch this video to learn about innovative technologies and efforts to reduce the environmental impact of wastewater by investing in modern practices that leave behind healthy ecosystems for future generations.