Office of the Federal Ombudsman for Victims of Crime

Who is the Ombudsman?

Who is the Ombudsman?

The Honourable Sue O'Sullivan

Sue O'Sullivan

  • The Ombudsman is appointed by the Government of Canada to promote access to federal programs and services for victims and addresses complaints from the public about issues relating to victims of crime. Since 2007, the Ombudsman's office has worked to ensure criminal justice personnel and policymakers are aware of victims' needs, and identify systemic issues that negatively impact victims. When appropriate, the Ombudsman makes recommendations to federal policymakers that sparked legislative reform for victims' rights. Learn more about the Ombudsman.

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What's New

  • Federal Ombudsman for Victims of Crime marks Victims and Survivors of Crime Awareness Week - Calls for the transformation of Canada’s criminal justice system to better meet the needs of victims

    Read the Ombudsman’s submission on Bill C-337, Judicial Accountability through Sexual Assault Law Training Act

    Ombudsman for Victims of Crime Marks Restorative Justice Week

    Read recent OFOVC submissions on incorporating victims’ needs and perspectives in policy decisions

    Read “Recognizing the role of victim supports in building and maintaining healthy and safe communities”, by Sarah Johnston-Way and Sue O’Sullivan, published in the Journal of Community Safety & Well-Being, August 2016.

    At a glance...


    Total number of issues handled by our complaints department in the past fiscal year (2015-2016).

    A single case file may also have multiple issues.

    Did you know?

    TOP 5
    Top 5 topics of individuals who contacted us

    1. Other levels of government (Provincial, territorial, legal aid, court, police, victim services, compensation)
    2. Victims’ rights
    3. Victim assistance options
    4. Safety concerns
    5. Lack of victim services

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    Video message from the Federal Ombudsman for Victims of Crime