Strong, Secure, Engaged: Canada’s Defence Policy


Canada's Defence Policy ensures that Canada is:

STRONG at home

SECURE in North America.

ENGAGED in the world.



Canada’s defence policy – Strong, Secure, Engaged – will provide Canada with an agile, multi-purpose combat-ready military, operated by highly trained, well-equipped women and men, secure in the knowledge that they have the full support of their government and their fellow Canadians.

This policy will ensure Canada is:

  • Strong at home, with a military ready and able to defend its sovereignty, and to assist in times of natural disaster, support search and rescue, or respond to other emergencies;
  • Secure in North America, active in a renewed defence partnership in NORAD and with the United States; and
  • Engaged in the world, with Defence doing its part in Canadian contributions to a more stable and peaceful world.

Strong, Secure, Engaged will shape Canada's role in the world for decades to come. It will ensure that the CAF is equipped and prepared to protect Canadian sovereignty, defend North America, and contribute to global security.

This approach will allow us to:

  • Anticipate and understand threats to Canada and Canadian interests, enhancing our ability to identify, prevent and/or prepare for, and respond to a wide range of contingencies.
  • Adapt to a fluid and highly volatile global security environment by keeping pace with the rapid evolution of technological advancements, improving our readiness, to responding to a crisis, defeating potential adversaries and maintaining the capability to work closely alongside allies.
  • Act decisively with effective military capability through the execution of eight core missions, supported by a flexible, versatile, and agile force that can take informed, decisive action to accomplish the Government's objectives.


Canada’s new vision for Defence

Sonar Operator

Learn how Canada will anticipate emerging threats and challenges, adapt to changing circumstances, and act effectively in cooperation with our allies and partners.

Well-supported, diverse, resilient people and families

Marine Engineer

See how personnel are supported from when they join, throughout their career, and at the crucial time of transition when members retire and/or require assistance as veterans.

Investments to Enhance Capability and Capacity

Naval Communicator

Discover how Canada plans to renew, replace, and maintain core defence equipment while continuing to support Canada’s multi-role, combat-capable defence force.

Defence innovation

Sonar Operator

Find out how the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) will adapt to an ever-changing and highly volatile global security environment.

Modernizing the business of Defence

Marine Engineer

See how the Defence Team delivers top quality services that support defence infrastructure, promote environmental sustainability, and focus on modernizing the defence procurement process.

Stable, Predictable, Realistic Funding

Marine Engineer

Find out about how the Government of Canada will support defence needs at home and abroad.

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