Buying for non-federal governments and other organizations

Provinces and territories can now use the procurement tools and purchasing power of Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC) to buy certain goods and services

On this page

Eligible non-federal governments and other organizations

The following provinces and territories have signed master user agreements that allow them to use federal procurement tools to buy specific commodities:

  • Alberta
  • New Brunswick
  • Newfoundland and Labrador
  • the Northwest Territories
  • Nova Scotia
  • Nunavut
  • Ontario
  • Prince Edward Island
  • Yukon

Non-federal governments and organizations in those provinces and territories may also be eligible to use PSPC standing offers and supply arrangements. These organizations include:

  • municipalities
  • schools, universities and colleges
  • hospitals
  • intergovernmental organizations
  • Canadian aid agencies
  • Canadian public health organizations

Available standing offers

Currently, standing offers are in place to buy the following items from pre-qualified suppliers:

  • office supplies
  • tires
  • radios
  • all-terrain vehicles
  • snowmobiles
  • laboratory supplies
  • packaging material
  • digital two-way radios

Additional commodity groups will be available in the coming months.

Commodity group Approximate date
Document imaging Summer 2017
P25 subscriber units Summer 2017
Office paper Fall 2017
Chemicals supplies Fall 2017
Medical equipment Winter 2018
Office seating Winter 2018
Furniture work spaces Spring 2018
Fitness equipment Spring 2018

Find and order goods

Authorized non-federal government users can access the Standing Offers and Supply Arrangements Application (SOSA App) to find pre-qualified suppliers and use the call-up form to order items from the standing offer.

Learn more about the SOSA App.

Find standing offer information

You can find information on pre-qualified businesses holding standing offers without having to sign into the SOSA App by searching standing offers and supply arrangements or downloading standing offer and supply arrangement data.

You can also use the snapshot of SOSA data to simplify your search by:

  • sorting by province or territory
  • sorting by the start and expiry date of the procurement tool
  • finding information by good and service, rather than by pre-qualified supplier

Learn more about standing offers.

Benefits to your organization

Potential benefits include:

  • paying less for commodities because of our purchasing power
  • reducing your administrative and legal costs by using our existing procurement tools
  • sharing expertise, best practices and business information about various commodities


The following conditions apply when using our procurement tools:

  • PSPC is responsible for managing the terms and conditions of the standing offer agreement
  • buyers are responsible for resolving disputes between themselves and the seller, although PSPC may help to clarify terms
  • prices, terms and/or conditions of the standing offer agreement cannot be modified or negotiated; as these items were agreed to previously following an open tendering process
  • the buyer may purchase goods within the commodity groups covered by the standing offer agreement; goods not listed in the standing offer should be purchased using other tools

For more information

Contact the Office of Small and Medium Enterprises or call 1‑800‑811-1148 Monday to Friday from 7:30 am to 5 pm ET.

Contact the provinces and territories: