Our Philosophy

We grow with integrity and a commitment to our patients to produce quality medication.

Our philosophy is simple:

Grow organic medical cannabis, in soil without the use of chemicals.

Our Story

Since day one of the MMPR we have been growing legal medical cannabis with the approval of Health Canada. We have always believed our medication should be organic, and since sowing our first seeds have been growing our plants naturally.

Without giving too much away, our process is truly a labour of love. From cutting through to drying, each plant is individually watered, pruned and trimmed by BC’s finest hands to ensure consistency and quality.

Over time our floor space has grown to allow us to produce more medication for more patients, but we still remain a local company true to our roots. We don’t have large corporate offices, or rely on call centers to handle our patients. You will get to know our team by name. When you contact us you will always be reaching us here in Whistler, at our facility that overlooks the mountains.


Strains To Choose From


Types Of Cannabis Oil





How we grow

All our plants are grown in soil using natural ingredients. Every stage of the growing process is carried out by hand. From planting to packaging, each strain takes approximately five months to produce.

Our process replicates outdoor growing techniques. Overseen by skilled and knowledgeable growers, everything that goes into our plants comes from the ground and the ocean.

Organic Certified by the Fraser Valley Organic Producers Association

In April 2014 we became Canada's first organic certified Licensed Producer. Being certified by The Fraser Valley Organic Producers Association (FVOPA) means that at anytime third party inspectors can examine our facility to ensure we are complying with their growing standards. In addition, every twelve months we must renew our certification, which involves an application process, third party independent inspection, plus an assessment from the FVOPA certification committee.

Register With WMMC

Registering Is Easy

  • Start by downloading our registration package
  • Complete the Application for Medical Marijuana
  • Have your Health Care Practitioner complete your Medical Document
  • Send us the completed forms


Monday – Friday 9am - 5pm (PST)


+1 (604) 962-3440


+1 (604) 962-3443


Some of our most common questions

Am I eligible?

To be eligible for registration you must be a resident of Canada and have the support of a Health Care Practitioner - this can be your Family Doctor, a Specialist, a Nurse Pratitioner or through a Cannabis Clinic. Your Medical Document must be in date and written by a Doctor registered with the Canadian College of Physicians and Surgeons in the Province they are practicing in. Documents provided by Doctors of Chinese Medicine, or Naturopaths are not acceptable for registration.

How long does registration take?

It is important that you double check your Registration Package before submitting it to us. Please take a moment to look at our registration steps and make sure that you have all the information we need to process your application as quickly as possible. If your documents are missing information, or contain mistakes, they may be refused and you will be required to submit new documents. Provided your documents are completed correctly, we will generally be able to verify your prescription with your health care practitioner's office and process your registration within 5 to 7 business days from when your documents are received.