About Us

Table of Contents

What is Buyandsell.gc.ca?

Buyandsell.gc.ca makes Government of Canada procurement a little bit easier by simplifying the way procurement information is shared on the Web. By accessing open procurement and contracting data, Buyandsell.gc.ca helps businesses and government buyers focus less on figuring out how to do business and more on doing business.

Why was Buyandsell.gc.ca created?

Buyandsell.gc.ca is an idea conceived by businesses and procurement professionals. They said government procurement was too complex and it would be nice to have one location to find simple but authoritative answers to everyday questions about Government of Canada procurement.

How has Buyandsell.gc.ca changed?

Since its early days, Buyandsell.gc.ca has provided information on how to buy and sell for the federal government. From a site primarily directing our visitors to external sites for tools, we have progressively added more features to increase the number of activities users can complete on our web site.

We brought the Supply Manual and the Standard Acquisitions Clauses and Conditions Manual under Buyandsell.gc.ca, making it accessible and functional in modern web browsers.

Recently, we introduced the Procurement Data section and improved the Search to get the latest procurement and contracting data into the hands of businesses and government visitors.

Can I provide feedback?

Feedback drove the original design of Buyandsell.gc.ca and it continually informs its development. Want to have your say? Provide Feedback to Buyandsell.gc.ca.

Who is Buyandsell.gc.ca for?

  • Canadian Businesses that want to supply goods and services to the government
  • Government buyers and materiel managers
  • Government of Canada procurement specialists

Who is responsible for Buyandsell.gc.ca?

Buyandsell.gc.ca’s content is created by Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC) procurement professionals in the Acquisitions Branch and managed by the Office of Small and Medium Enterprises – Strategic Engagement.

What are the symbols that I see next to some links?

All the links you see with this symbol (this graphic symbol indicates that the content is available only to government employees or clients with access to Publiservice, the official government of Canada extranet) next to it are available only to Government of Canada employees or clients with access to "Publiservice", and the official Government of Canada extranet.