Standing Offers and Supply Arrangements agreement types search

You can also narrow your search to the various types of Standing Offers and Supply Arrangements (SOSA), such as:

Get started with SOSA

Use SOSA to find out what the Government of Canada buys in your industry or to find a partner to sell to the Government of Canada.

Learn how to use SOSA on the Get Started with SOSA page.

What is SOSA?

SOSA is information about businesses that are currently pre-qualified to supply goods and services to the Government of Canada. Updated weekly, the data identifies businesses holding Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC) standing offers and supply arrangements.

Standing offers and supply arrangements are two methods frequently used by government departments and agencies to buy goods or services. Leam more About SOSA.

Get help with SOSA

Get help with SOSA in the Contacts SOSA page.


  • Download SOSA as open data (CSV files) to distribute or republish on another Web site on the Download SOSA Data page.

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